Looking At 2007 – Through the Lens Of Faith
The events of 2007 are complete. Following are some highlights and some possible (in italics) outcomes. By the grace of God and through the lens of faith we believe there was much more that meets the eye.
1) Dulce’s first visit in our home was in October. After studying English and the Bible with us she became a Christian two years later. When we asked her what was the turning point she surprised us by saying, “The first time I was in your home and watched the loving interaction in your family I knew it was something I wanted.”
2) Cases of Bibles were given to friends throughout the year. There are many special stories of God’s grace; of note is the story of Carlos. Not once did he open it when it was given but placed it on a shelf. During a personal crisis a few years later he felt strangely drawn to the Bible. Taking it off the shelf and searching the Scriptures he received Christ. Carlos eventually introduced seventeen members of his family to the Lord and became a godly man and leader for the Mexican church.
3) Our team formed in Puebla and began to pray together. It became the foundation of a forward movement. Of special significance was what it did in our own hearts as well as the evident breaking up of spiritual and generational strongholds. The ground was prepared both for us and for those who followed years later.
4) I worked in a small gift shop for part of this year. It was an opportunity to work on language and share Christ with two brothers – Arturo and Gustavo. For one it became the aroma of life, but sadly for the other it became the aroma of death.
5) 2007 continued to be a year of transition for our children. They had ups and downs, it was good and it was hard. As adults each of them said this time was instrumental in their lives. They became a man and women of faith and led their own families in the Way.
6) We met the Hernandez family begging on the steps of the Cathedral. They were a poor family from a country village who came in to take advantage of the Christmas season. We were able to pass along bread, candy and a Gospel of Luke. Taking it back to the village they read it and waited for someone to come and share the love of God more clearly. Eventually a national Christian from the house church went to the village as a missionary in their own right and led the whole family to the Lord.
7) Friday November 16th seemed as normal as could be. I went to the store for a bottle of coke with Maria and Christina. I didn’t realize it but the Spirit went in ahead of us. Only in eternity did we learn that at that moment there was a strange burning in the hearts of some there to really know God. The seeds were planted for a later harvest.
8) We continued to send Rope-holders and journal about our experiences here. At times we felt as if we were in an arena with our lives being observed by unseen spectators. The Lord used our attempts to be real to encourage some to a deeper walk, to call others into a life of prayer, to cause families to strike out on new journeys of faith, to send missionaries to China, Niger, Mexico and Sri Lanka, to bring others into new life and honor the King of kings in it all - all through the lens of faith.
At Wednesday, January 09, 2008 4:24:00 AM,
Angie Velasquez Thornton said…
i'm kind of slow, ken. how much of that was true and how much of that was hoped for? either way, we enjoy your passionate faith. you inspire us.
At Wednesday, January 09, 2008 9:39:00 AM,
Ken, Diana, Daniel, Maria, Christina said…
I went back and italicized what hasn’t happened by yet but by faith could become a reality. Sorry for the confusion. Your work in Senegal inspires us as well. I was just reading your blog last night.
At Wednesday, January 09, 2008 10:19:00 PM,
Sarita in Mexico 2009 said…
well #8 is already being realized...i am always encouraged by the "Spirit-filled-ness" of these journal entries...and the pictures to visualize them...the entries cause a "pause" in life...and this one adds specific prayers of faith...gracias. saludos a toda la familia!:) sarah in chicago
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