December 23, 2007 was a milestone for Daniel as he celebrated his 16th birthday. It was a day filled with blackberry cake, friends, soccer, cemitas, gifts and apple pie. You long time readers will recall that on his 13th birthday we had a pre-manhood ceremony and challenged him to live by the following definition: "A real man stands strong and courageous, accepts responsibility, provides leadership, acquires honorable character, and lives for a transcendent cause."
Looking forward to the time when he will carry the full responsibility of manhood, we revisited this definition and reaffirmed it through godly young men talking with us in West Virginia, Florida, Maryland and North Carolina. Here are some photos of the day:
Looking forward to the time when he will carry the full responsibility of manhood, we revisited this definition and reaffirmed it through godly young men talking with us in West Virginia, Florida, Maryland and North Carolina. Here are some photos of the day:
At Sunday, December 30, 2007 6:15:00 PM,
S.D. Smith said…
Happy Day Danielson,
Maybe you are man enough to beat me at table-tennis now (doesn't table-tennis sound more manly than ping pong?..maybe not, really).
Congrats. Hey, I started playing the guitar on my sixteenth birthday, and now look at me...eh....eh? Maybe some habit you pick up this week could lead to a flash in the pan...you never know. He he.
Seriously, God bless you Dan Harer. May you be a man of God, finding your joy in him.
your brother,
At Saturday, January 05, 2008 6:17:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
Feliz cumpleanos, Daniel! Que cumplas muchos mas! The cake looks delicious! You have pretty cool parents, eh? His challenge to manhood is inspiring. If you ever want to talk to such a man, I'm married to one, and he digs you. :)
At Sunday, January 06, 2008 6:50:00 PM,
gina said…
Hey Daniel. I know it's a bit late...but you know what 'they' say: "better late...."
As my grandfather would have said, "My, you're a tall drink of water!" and I say handsome as well. You look every bit the part of a mature sixteen year old.
I can still picture you in TS Club, arm stretched as high in the air as you could possibly reach, trying not to fall out of your chair as you waited to be called on to answer a question. I hope you still have that thirst for knowledge and eagerness to learn. Now is the time, man. Seize the day. Many happy returns to you.
At Monday, January 21, 2008 1:39:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
the guy w/ daniel is way cute...who is he....
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