.:. Ken's Live Journal: April 2008

.:. Ken's Live Journal

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Womanhood Tea Party

On Saturday Diana put on a beautiful “Womanhood Tea Party”. This tea party and ceremony formally marked the time in Maria’s life when she begins to think about and prepare for her role as a woman. For the occasion Maria selected a blue and white knee length dress accented in black with a V-neckline. She wore dangling silver earrings with her hair fashionably done up in back twists. For the tea Diana served finger sandwiches of chicken salad, cucumber, and celery walnut on a three tied platter. Filled strawberries, cantaloupe, and scones completed the meal served on a royal blue table cloth complimented with Victorian lace. Irish Breakfast was the tea of choice for the day.

To the side of the main table was a smaller table with a spring basket arrangement of pink and white lilies. Also on the table was a framed copy of the definition that we gave to Maria of Womanhood. “A woman of God's design loves God wholeheartedly, finds her identity and security in Christ, seeks to reflect the image of God in modesty and virtue, and ministers grace to others through her biblical roles.

After this delightful tea the women in attendance shared a meaningful verse around the womanhood theme. Maria also heard from different women who have been instrumental in her life and who shared encouragement for her to fulfill God’s design. There were also letters written from family and friends. Here is a sample of the kinds of things that were said:

* “Always stay close to Him and always search the Scriptures…”
* “I just want to encourage you that, no matter what your feelings are throughout this season of your life, the more you trust God and allow yourself to fully experience where He has put you, the more your life will blossom!”
* “Fill your mind and heart with the truth of God’s Word. Surround yourself with peers and mentors who remind you of your identity in Christ.”
* “It's really easy for us to get our value wrapped up in how valuable we feel we are, how nice we look, or how important others think we are…keep focusing on who God wants you to be.”
* “A woman of sweet and pleasant speech makes a long lasting impression”.
* “The world will try to pull you in so many directions at this critical time in your life, and you'll be tempted to allow it to shape the way you view yourself, your family, your church, and your own convictions.”

Afterwards everyone enjoyed yellow marble cake with chocolate icing and another round of tea. It was indeed a wonderful celebration of womanhood. Thanks to all you who came and all who participated in our lives long range. We certainly need support, encouragement and words of wisdom in this journey.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Famine Relief

While sitting in a café studying my Spanish Bible this week the waitress came by my table. After a few pleasantries I told her I read the Bible daily and she asked me if I was a Christian. Hedging a bit I answered, “I follow the Words of God.” Not to be dissuaded she asked me again if I was a Christian. “Yes…I am a Christian.” To which she replied, “I am a Christian too.” That was a pleasant surprise. Having an extra Bible at my side I asked if she had a one. The unpleasant reality of it all was that she didn’t.

It’s actually common for most people here to be without a Bible. And it isn’t uncommon for Christians to be without one either. That takes some getting used to for me. Really now, how many Christians can you name that do not have a single copy of the Bible? Probably they have more than one or maybe even a stack. I am reminded of the words of Amos, “The days are coming,” declares the Sovereign LORD, “when I will send a famine through the land – not a famine of food or a thirst for water but a famine of hearing the words of the Lord.” (Amos 8:11) Brothers and sisters, we are in famine!

We also believe providing famine relief is one of the ministries God has for us here. He has led, nudged and encouraged us into this area in a number of ways. It started over a year ago with a VBS gift that was used to purchase Bibles. About that time we were reading the story of Brother Andrew and his ministry of taking Bibles into communist countries. The Lord led us to the thought that we could do the same. I wrote in a journal entry at the time, "Maybe, just maybe there is a link between our being in Mexico and getting the Scripture into the hands of those who have the religion of Christ but not the truth of Christ." Since then God has used many situations to confirm us in this path. It is as if He has been saying. "I'm in this - keep praying, keep moving forward, keep trusting."

We are confident in God's Word to penetrate the interior life that is enveloped by a religious crust. By His grace refreshing showers will come to bring famine relief to the land and break up the hardened soil.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Basilica of Guadalupe Visit - A Photo Journal

While we often think of a Basilica as a description of a building, it is also an important and significant place that is given ceremonial rites by the Pope. In Mexico City this significance is derived from the apparition of Mary in the form of the Virgin of Guadalupe. This apparition in 1531 is credited for bringing the valiant roots of the Aztec and missionary Spain together at the feet of Mary – Mother and forger of the homeland of Mexico. The memorial above is titled the “The Offering”.

The old cathedral (If it looks crooked that’s because it was damaged in the 1985 earthquake. The original chapel for the Virgin can be seen on the hill in the background.)

The newer and modern cathedral

Friday morning mass for the faithful

The impression on the tilma of Juan Diego located behind the platform

The family visit (A good time to establish family bonding and traditions.)

The well kept grounds and gardens (The Basilica is visited by millions every year with over 7 million pilgrims coming on December 12th alone.)

Pictures * Pins * Prayers (These are left with the hope of a particular saint's intercession.)

Guadalupe and Pope John Paul II – two highly respected figures (John Paul II was a Marian priest inspired by the teachings of Saint Louis de Montfort. He went to every Marian shrine in the countries he visited including four visits to Mexico.)
Worship inside the chapel (This is said to be the exact spot where the temple of the Aztec goddess Tonantzin stood.)

Friday, April 04, 2008

“Verse Of The Day”

I met Lola near the entrance of the Basilica in Mexico City. She was handing out invitations to visit Carolina’s Tarot Shop. It seemed like a good opportunity so I handed her the “Verse of the Day”. She started the conversation: “Are you a Christian?” “Yes, I am a Christian.” “What is the name of your church?” “The Church of the Bible…Are you Carolina?” No, my name is Lola.” “Do you have eternal life Lola?” “Yes.” “Are you sure?” “Yes…Is your telephone number on the back of this verse?” “No, I live in Puebla.” “Pray for me at your church.” “Ok.” A predestinated encounter, a Bible verse, an open heart, an eternal soul fades into the distance.

We were returning late to the hotel after visiting the zócolo, seeing the Templo Mayor, and having dinner in the House of Tiles. Drawing near to our hotel one of the three men offered an advertisement. A quick glance at the card told me it was an “adult show.” There was a moment’s hesitation, a moment’s fear, a moment’s wondering about the reaction and then the response. “No, thank you…BUT I have the ‘Verse of the Day’ for you.” His “thank you” wasn’t the biggest surprise. That came from the man standing beside of him. “Do you have one for me too?”

These examples are not the norm. The norm is summed up by a recent trip to the market to buy fruits and vegetables from Anna. Last Saturday I handed her a verse (as I try to do every week) she took it and said, “Thank You.” Than took a moment to read it. That’s the norm – words of appreciation with an occasional conversation.

I have been questioning myself about “The Verse of the Day” lately. Are these verses profitable or actually harmful? What if they are read and understood through the lenses of Catholic teachings? What if someone comes to wrong conclusions or uses them to reinforce inaccurate beliefs? Should I refrain from giving them? My conclusion in the matter is that while the verses might very well be misunderstood, Scripture is living and active. God can make His Word just as clear and useful as He wants to make it. Therefore, I will continue to sow seeds and leave the germinating up to Him.

© 2005 Last One Designs | Last Updated: 12/13/2005
Questions or Comments -- ken@kneelingwetriumph.com