.:. Ken's Live Journal: June 2010

.:. Ken's Live Journal

Monday, June 28, 2010

An Overdue Goodbye – A Photo Journal

Some came into our lives for only a brief time, others became close friends.
Some were brothers and sisters in the Christian faith, most weren’t.
Some we met with in a group, most we knew only individually.
Some invited us into their home, some we invited into our home, a handful lived with us.
They crossed our path at Cuernavaca, Universidad Internacional, Iglesia Biblica Renueva, Puebla, Los Heroes, Mercado Zapata, San Francisco, Momoxpan and El Puente.
This is a overdue goodbye to everyone in Mexico and a few photos that only scratch the surface:

A spark of joy to our family

The girls' ice skating instructor

We met together for worship, friendship and food

The two of us had many great discussions together

We will not forget you

Their weekly encouragement was a gift

Wonder of the Cross at work

More than a Spanish instructor – a friend

Men’s Bible study group

Appreciated by many

The Mexican ladies' tea society

Monday, June 21, 2010

Time For Dad’s Day

Yesterday was time for Dad’s Day and it met up to expectations…..this is saying a lot. Often big days have turned out to be big bummers because of my big expectations. I’ve learned (a slow, painstaking process) to lower them a bit and just enjoy the day for what it brings. It was great! We had a great Father’s Day meal of steak fajitas and a round of encouraging words for Dad. Afterwards Diana and I went on a “date” for coffee, then the girls and I took a walk around Little Beaver Lake. Good stuff.

The girls gave me a Hallmark coupon book filled with great gifts like: This coupon entitles Dad to keep one gizmo, doodad, or thingamajig that he’s supposed to throw away; Redeem this coupon for uninterrupted viewing of any televised sporting event (offer extends to two of Dad’s buddies); This coupon is good for everyone’s undivided attention during one of Dad’s stories, even if it begins with “when I was your age.”; This coupon guarantees pizza for dinner…loaded with Dad’s favorite toppings! The Aero Sport cologne was a pretty cool gift too.

I had a chance to talk to my Dad. While it was still long distance, it seems a lot closer when we are only a couple of hundred miles apart instead of thousands. I’m proud to have a dad whose life reminds me not to get above my raising. Dad appreciates things from years past. I get the desire to live life simply from him. I also learned his approach to finances – set aside the “Lord’s money”, and if you don’t have it, don’t spend it. Oh yes, we still follow the Big Orange together.

Dad’s day was a good day. Made special by my dad and by my children. They make me proud and I love’em all!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Beyond Opinion

One of the books I was reading when we were still in Mexico was Beyond Opinion by Ravi Zacharias. You might know that he and his ministry team are leading apologists who offer reasonable, biblical and logical explanations to those who question or even attack the Christian faith. In the midst of this intellectual dissertation Ravi reminds us of the powerful importance of prayer.

“A few years ago, two or three of my colleagues and I were in a country dominated for decades by Marxism. Before we began our meetings, we were invited to a dinner by some common friends, all of whom were skeptics and, for all practical purposes, atheists. The evening was full of questions, posed principally by a notable theoretical physicist in the country. There were also others who represented different elements of power within that society. As the night wore on, we got the feeling that the questions had gone on long enough and that we were possibly going in circles.

“At that point, I asked, if we could have a word of prayer with them, for them, and for the country before we bade them good-bye. There was a silence of consternation, and obvious hesitancy, and then one said, ‘Of course.’ We did just that – we prayed. In this large dining room of historic importance to them, with all the memories of secular power plastered within those walls, the prayer brought a sobering silence that we were all in the presence of someone greater than us. When we finished, every eye was moist and nothing was said. They hugged us and thanked us, with emotion written all over their faces. The next day when we met them, one of them said to me, ‘We did not go back to our rooms last night till it was early morning. In fact, I stayed in my hotel lobby most of the night talking further. Then I went back to my room and gave my life to Jesus Christ.’

“I firmly believe that it was the prayer that gave them a hint of what worship is all about. Their hearts had never experienced it. Over the years I have discovered that praying with people can sometimes do more for them than preaching to them. Prayer draws the heart away from one’s own dependence to leaning on the sovereign God. The burden is often lifted instantly. Prayer is only one aspect of worship, but one that is greatly neglected in the face of people who would be shocked to hear what prayer sounds like when the one praying knows how to touch the heart of God. To a person in need, pat answers don’t change the mind; prayer does.”

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

My Wonderful Wife

I have a friend who reminds me every so often that I “married above my head.” Outside of my mom and a relative or two, no one would really argue the point. I’m alright with it too because I do indeed have a wonderful wife.
Last week Diana and I stole away to the Church Street Bed and Breakfast in Lewisburg to celebrate our 22nd wedding anniversary. Friday afternoon found us sitting together on the second story porch. No hurried activity. Just being together. Reading, talking and saying nothing. As we sat there soaking up the moment it began to rain - slow and steady before rushing into a down pour……finally tapering off into drips off the trees as the birds made their reappearance to share their beautiful songs. It was a refreshing moment and an opportunity to appreciate my wonderful wife. Here are some things I jotted down about our lives together:
We live alive in the ordinary and the routine – I guess it’s a sign of getting older or maybe it’s just getting a big adventure out of the system, but there is aliveness in our relationship through the ordinary….a morning walk, sitting by a camp fire, having tea, reminiscing, listening to music, sitting on a porch swing or just reading. And it’s good.
We stand in the gap for one another – Diana compliments me in so many ways from accounting for the finances to helping find my keys....again. She is an amazingly gifted woman.
We journey and grow together – Journeys and the growth that comes through them are not always pleasant and sometimes they are. Either way it is very fulfilling to have a wife at my side with whom to share and glean insight and change and grow.
We share sacred moments – A quiet prayer, a needed spiritual insight, set apart time on Sunday morning, hanging out with a group of burning hearts, looking over the Grand Canyon ….as well as all the ordinarily sacred times I just listed above.
Lord, I have found Your favor in the gift of my wonderful wife.”

This photo was snapped on the second floor porch just before the downpour.

In the back yard with books and a nice noisy fountain to keep us company.

The girls gave us this Willow Tree (Anniversary - Love ever endures) gift. We had been admiring these figurines for a good while now.

© 2005 Last One Designs | Last Updated: 12/13/2005
Questions or Comments -- ken@kneelingwetriumph.com