.:. Ken's Live Journal: February 2009

.:. Ken's Live Journal

Friday, February 27, 2009

Travel Plans Galore

As I sit to write this post our family is in varied arrays of emotional excitement over the travel plans that are coming our way the next few months. As for me, well, I’ve been going from one “to do” item to the next for the last week. You know the routine – fill out FM3’s…make arrangements for the dog…contact notary pubic for medical release form… purchase bus tickets…write a note to Billy Bob… post this journal…

Diana and I leave Sunday for Columbia, to the city of Medellin. Columbia is known for its coffee exports as well as some of its other “horticulture.” We will spend a couple of weeks training with national pastors and of course seeing a bit of the country.

While we are in Columbia our children are overjoyed to be visiting with their cousins in Houston. And we are pretty excited for them too. It sounds as though they already have lots of plans in the works and will probably arrive home on the 16th a “good” exhausted.

Another plan on the horizon is a mission trip that Daniel hopes to take to Kenya this summer. I can’t express how encouraging it is, not just to see him interested in Africa, but seeking and open to God's leading. You’ve probably read his letter already, but I’ll just conclude these coming travel plans with a portion of his letter:

“I'm excited to see a new place, to watch God's hand at work in a totally different way, and I hope to be challenged to a deeper walk with Christ.

“Kenya is full of poverty, starvation and hopelessness. Orphans suffer all these things… Through a summer Bible camp, orphan children are given relief from the difficulties of everyday life. They receive regular meals, and enjoy laughter and games. Most importantly, throughout the camp, the children hear about, and are shown, Christ's love. They learn that He has a plan for their lives. Many find hope.

“Recently I have been feeling God calling me to people who have no hope, and this trip seems to reaffirm it. I would love for those who read this to pray for the mission trip, for clarity, and for God's hand to lead my life.”


Friday, February 20, 2009

On The Bus Again

There are so many cultural and strange things that happen when you are on the bus again that it begs to be written. The other day I saw a sign posted in the front that read, “Import Drag Racing Circuit”. Let me tell you, the driver took that sign seriously. I’ve had a lot of crazy rides before, but this was one of the wildest as we passed three busses from our same route on the way home.

Then there was the teenager who looked to be about 19. He was wearing nice jeans, leather jacket, sunglasses and had his hair mussed – very cool. He stepped on the bus caring a small basket. Interesting I thought, maybe he was taking it on a picnic. As he walked by, to my amazement he was carrying a small baby doll. Now it’s not that I haven’t seen people carrying dolls before but never by such a cool teenager. I thought of how merciless he would have been treated back in the U.S., but here no one batted an eyelash. (I learned later that February 2nd represents the day that Jesus was presented at the temple as a child, so baby dolls from the home are brought to the church for mass and to be blessed.)

Did I tell you about the robbery on the bus? I was standing in the back of the bus and noticed a thick wallet on the floor. I asked a young guy standing beside of me if it was his; he shook his head “no.” The next thing I knew he had scooped it up and was making a beeline for the exit. At that very moment a middle aged man realized it was his. Frantically he shouted, “It’s mine! It’s mine! Let me down from the bus!” He hit the ground running continuing to shout, “It’s mine! It’s mine!” Then the funniest thing happened; the young guy realizing he wasn’t going to get away with it stopped and held up the billfold as if to say, “Oh, is this yours? Here you go.” With wallet in hand the would be victim re-boarded the bus, and we were off again as if nothing had happened.

Of course there is always somebody getting on the bus to hack their wares whether it’s ice bars, fruit drinks or candy. I’ve seen people play and sing for a handout, charitable organizations make a pitch and the blind ask for donations. Then there are those who get on with their boom box and crank up the sound for the sale of a $1 CD. You can always expect something out of the ordinary. Nevertheless, it’s good to be on the bus again.

Bonus Feature – Three Great Kids

Daniel on the trip to Veracruz

Maria at the Gran Café de la Parroquia

Christina enjoys a caramel frappuccino

Christina’s work from the girl’s new painting class

Maria’s painting

Friday, February 13, 2009

“See My Shells!”

One of the early morning rituals we had in Veracruz was to go out looking for seashells. We spent a morning throwing starfish back into the Gulf, and another morning we found a sea turtle. There weren’t any amazing discoveries, but we did find some pretty cool sand dollars, driftwood and shells. I couldn’t help but be reminded of what John Piper said about seashells in his book, Don’t Waste Your Life.

“I will tell you what a tragedy is. I will show you how to waste your life. Consider this story from the February 1998 Reader's Digest: A couple took early retirement from their jobs in the Northeast five years ago when he was 59 and she was 51. Now they live in Punta Gorda, Florida, where they cruise on their 30-foot trawler, play softball and collect shells. . . . Picture them before Christ at the great day of judgment: ‘Look, Lord. See my shells.’ That is a tragedy.
“God created us to live with a single passion: to joyfully display his supreme excellence in all the spheres of life. The wasted life is the life without this passion. God calls us to pray and think and dream and plan and work not to be made much of, but to make much of him in every part of our lives.”

What then does it mean for us to live with a single passion for God? Over time I’m becoming more and more convinced of what it is and what it is not. What it isn’t - it isn’t finally hitting the ministry jackpot. You know, where the big payoff comes, amazing things happen and everyone recognizes your value in it all. What it is - it is walking faithfully with God, enjoying Him in the moment and being content to be His instrument as He so chooses.

Easy enough said. Now to live this unwasted, non-seashelled life.

Friday, February 06, 2009

Veracruz Vacation – A Photo Journal

Our place was near a fishing village

Enter Veracruz by way of the lamppost

At Italian Coffee Company on the way

How cool is this?

Coffee at the Gran Café de la Parroquia

It was all about rest, relaxation and reading

Pelican party

Early morning reflection

Hanging our feet over the tailgate on the beach drive

© 2005 Last One Designs | Last Updated: 12/13/2005
Questions or Comments -- ken@kneelingwetriumph.com