My Humiliation Their Persecution
Precaution: this entry has some disturbing content.
It happened again. When will I ever get beyond the moments of another failure, a dull mind, and more humiliation? It’s peck, peck, pecking away at me and affecting other areas of my life. I’m so tired of being humiliated. Such were my feelings when I picked up a book about the life of Liu Zhenying. Liu is a underground house church leader in China. He has suffered greatly because of his faith in Christ.
Here’s some of what I read: “The cell leader, who had been appointed by the guards came and deliberately urinated on my face and urged the others to do the same…This was a great humiliation but I was too weak to protest…One afternoon I was also carried to the yard, where the guard instructed the men to throw me into a septic tank where the waste of all the prisoners was collected…The guards electrocuted me again and again…They even used their electric batons to stab me inside my mouth. I cannot easily describe the pain this caused. I thought my brain was going to explode. My mind and body shake even today when I think about those experiences. I longed to die to escape the pain...”
"I’ve suffered many tortures and torments in my life…But I tell you from the heart that the most difficult thing I’ve ever experienced was seeing the condition of my family when they came to visit me in those days. They were all skin and bones from lack of food, were dressed in rags, and I could see they were struggling terribly…The paternal instincts inside me cried out to be a good daddy to my precious children, and a good husband to my dear wife…Usually the authorities come and confiscate everything of value from the prisoner’s home, even pots and pans, clothing and furniture. Sometimes they even take away farm animals and seed."
Well now, that puts a different spin on humiliation. And I thought forgetting a few words or not understanding questions was difficult. More importantly than my little world of lost words is the world in which our brothers and sisters suffer. While we live in relative ease and self-imposed unawareness, others of our body are imprisoned, beaten, raped, burned and chased from their homes.
And yet these men and women are able to rise above these difficulties in a way that makes my Christian life look feeble. “I’d suffered some horrible tortures, but God has been faithful. I’d been dragged in front of judges and courts, but God had been faithful. I’d been hungry, thirsty, and had fainted from exhaustion, but God had been faithful…Through it all, God was always faithful and loving to me. He had never left me nor forsaken me. His grace was always sufficient and he provided for my every need…I didn’t suffer for Jesus in prison. No! I was with Jesus and I experienced his very real presence, joy, and peace every day. It’s not those in prison for the sake of the gospel who suffer. The person who suffers is he who never experiences God’s intimate presence.”
All other days are International Days of Prayer for the Un-persecuted Church to have the same faith and courage.
(From The Heavenly Man with Paul Hattaway: Monarch Books – 2002)
At Sunday, November 11, 2007 8:40:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
As we consider God's goodnesses toward us on the eartly plain this Veterans Day, thanks for a new perspective.
Keep On.
Don S
At Tuesday, November 13, 2007 9:25:00 AM,
Angie Velasquez Thornton said…
Thanks for the much needed reminder to pray for our brothers and sisters around the world.
At Tuesday, November 13, 2007 7:51:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
there is no church on earth that is not persecuted. yes, I do not suffer pain for my faith, I do not have fear of death for claiming my faith, and I do not hide when I gather for corporate worship. But I live in a world that hates my Saviour and desires to silence the Gospel that I live and preach. I thank God for the Hope that He gives and the power of His Spirit that sustains in face of physical persecution.
Let us not for get that we are in spiritual warfare everyday all day.
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