.:. Ken's Live Journal: January 2006

.:. Ken's Live Journal

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Remembering January 6th, 1956

Jim Elliot has reminded us for over fifty years now that, “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.” January 6th marked the fiftieth anniversary of the spearing of Jim Elliot, Pete Fleming, Nate Saint, Ed McCulley, and Roger Youderian by the Auca Indians now known as the Waodani. The blood of their lives continues to call up from the ground inspiring, challenging, and calling us to a life of reckless abandon. Shadow of the Almighty, The Life and Testament of Jim Elliot first impacted my life as a young 20 something when I needed a hero who could say, “God, I pray Thee, light these idle sticks of my life and may I burn for Thee. Consume my life, my God, for it is Thine.”

Let us also not forget that Elisabeth Elliot has been very instrumental in the telling of the story of those martyred on “Palm Beach”. Her spiritual insight, honesty, and powerful writing have not only been used to get the story out but have been an instrument in the Redeemer’s hand to call others to sacrifice. She has gone on to write many other works that have personally influenced our lives through the years. We recommend The Savage My Kinsman, Love Has A Price Tag, Let Me Be A Women, A Chance To Die (Biography of Amy Carmichael). She also has a website where you can read newsletters.

Currently our family is reading the life of Nate Saint. Nate provided the flying expertise for missionaries throughout the Ecuadorian region. He started out with an organization that was just getting off the ground at the time – Mission Aviation Fellowship. He too was a man surrendered to the Lord who gave the following challenge shortly after a plane crash almost took his life. “Some might say, ‘Isn’t it too great a price to pay?’ When missionaries consider themselves – their lives before God – they consider themselves expendable. And in our personal lives as Christians isn’t the same thing true? Isn’t the price small in the light of God’s infinite love? Those who know the joy of leading a stranger to Christ and those who have gone to tribes who have never heard the gospel gladly count themselves expendable…”

Thank you our friends and brothers. Thank you for not being fools but counting yourselves expendable.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Tea Time Talk

It’s no secret that Diana and I enjoy a good cup of tea. Usually that means brewing a pot of loose leaf and serving it in the Wicker Room during the afternoon. Tea time however, is more than just drinking a cup of tea, it is charm, atmosphere, and relaxation. As Henry James has said, “There are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour dedicated to the ceremony known as afternoon tea.” For us it’s also a time to connect, talk about what’s on our heart and pray.

One topic of discussion that eventually became tea conversation was how we can have joy in the journey. Nowadays it seems as though there’s an unending “to do list” which dominates our lives. I don’t know about you but we tend to have the mindset that if we get the list done then we can relax, catch our breath and enjoy the remainder of the day. Unfortunately that perspective tends to leave us viewing every unpleasant job, every unfulfilled expectation and every inconvenience as a nuisance. Surely joy is not reduced to a few moments at the end of the day when the work is done.

For us the conclusion of the matter is that in Christ we can be content and at peace in all things. Living in the moment allows every experience to be an opportunity for joy, rest, worship, and contentedness. It’s much like the man who practiced the presence of God while washing dishes or the one who found joy working in a prison camp sewer where he could sing praises to God unhindered. Now for the next step, to submit to the Spirit’s work to make tea time talk a reality.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Prayer Card Lottery

Over the last couple of years we have collected a lot of friends who are missionaries. Eventually their prayer cards took over the refrigerator and a bulletin board. Although they were in our sight regrettably they were not often in our prayers. So, the other day I decided to make a radical move and take them all down. Now we each draw one from the stack during our family devotions. Our children have mischievously dubbed it our prayer card lottery but thankfully it has put prayer back into the prayer card.

The impetus for our idea was actually born a couple of summers ago when we were in candidate orientation. One of our trainers told of an elderly couple who prayed for 200 missionaries. It seems they both had a box of 100 cards and after breakfast they would pray for 50 each. Then after lunch they would pray for the remaining 50 in their boxes. And if that wasn’t Herculean enough, after supper they would pray up into the night for all 200 again! I have a sneaky suspicion that this elderly couple has been greatly used to spread a passion for Christ to the world even though they probably have never set foot in another country.

Being a laborer in the harvest is never out of reach for anyone who takes the time to pray. At any age, at any stage of life, with any limitation we have opportunity to advance His glory among the nations? What stories will be told in heaven of the victories won by those who triumphed on bended knee?

"Away in foreign fields, they wondered how
Their simple word had power -
At home, some Christians, two or three, had met
To pray an hour.
We are always wondering- wondering how,
Because we do not see
Someone - perhaps unknown and far away -
On bended knee." -Unknown

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

The Wedding Page

Saturday was a joyous occasion as I had the privilege to officiate the wedding of Clifton and Joanna. The stage was filled with sixteen bridesmaids dressed in pink tea length dresses and groomsmen in black tuxedos. Beautiful silver candelabras completed the stage and the auditorium was decorated with white candles creating a romantic atmosphere. At the reception we feasted on chilled jumbo shrimp, platters of fruit & cheese, strawberries dipped in a chocolate fountain, and a delicious red velvet cake. What a celebration!

One of the highlights for Diana and I was visiting with many who were in our youth group “back in the day”. There were fifteen former members of the group who came to celebrate the wedding. They now have gone on to different lives, and although we don’t want to live in the past the memories were wonderful. They were and are a very special group for whom we pray the Lord’s richest and deepest blessings as they seek His face and live “radically” for Him.

I failed to mention that this was my first opportunity to officiate a wedding and with it came the privilege of what to emphasize. Here is a sampling of those comments:
* “As a congregation…You are accountable to do everything in your power to see that this union remains solid and strong, happy and prosperous, and lived according to God's Word.”

* “Paul likens marriage to the holy, mystical union which exists between Christ and His Church… Our spiritual life from beginning to end is grounded in our union with Him.”

* “…you are making a deliberate promise to be faithful and true to each other… a new dimension is added when such a pledge to each other is acknowledged in the presence of God, family and friends, and phrased in the form of a sacred vow.”

* “May the promise of Psalm 32:8 guide you, “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you.”

Monday, January 02, 2006

Promises, Promises, Promises

Our ladies in the Smoky Mtns

Not ready for the rocking chairs yet

Little Beaver - Our quiet sanctuary

Christmas Cookie Angels

Two Thousand Six looks a bit like a good rollercoaster ride for our family, adventurous, full of thrills and breathtaking. It’s the fun mixed in with

the unknown, the excitement with the uncontrollable, and the new with the unsafe that causes us to hang on tight to the promises of God. We are confident in the faithfulness of God to keep his promises. As Adoniram Judson once said, “The future is as bright as the promises of God.”

We have learned along the way to literally put our finger on those promises as we claim them in our own lives. And which particular ones are we claiming these days? Well try these on for size: “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you.” (Ps 32:8) “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (Matt 6:33) “Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Josh 1:9) “…the LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.” (Ps 121:8)

“Father, you are faithful to keep your promises to all generations. Let those who seek your face proclaim your loving kindness. We dedicate our lives to you as living sacrifices in this coming year. Be gracious to us this year by providing avenues to proclaim the gospel of Christ, preach the fullness of Christ, worship the majesty of Christ and pray with the redeemed of Christ, all for the glory of Christ.”


© 2005 Last One Designs | Last Updated: 12/13/2005
Questions or Comments -- ken@kneelingwetriumph.com