.:. Ken's Live Journal: October 2007

.:. Ken's Live Journal

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Reaching Back, Catching Up

Some things I write about never make it to the blog. They seem interesting or funny or insightful at the time but for one reason or another they get shoved to the side. Usually it’s because something more timely comes along. So I thought I would reach back and catch up just a little bit.

I’m not exactly sure what Diana and I were talking about, but I do remember Daniel’s comment, “You are still talking about that when I have an important question to ask.” To which I replied, “What important question do you want to ask, who was the 1977 starting quarterback for the Atlanta Falcons?” “Who was the quarterback, Dad?” “I don’t know. It seems as though he had a Polish name. It seems like his name was Steve. Steve…Steve…Steve - Steve Bartkowski! I’m going to look it up on the internet.” Can you believe it? - It was Steve Bartkowski. Now why is it I can remember the 1977 starting quarterback for the Atlanta Falcons but can’t remember the Spanish present subjunctive of venir?

We were waiting for the buzzer for two important reasons – our passports/visas were coming special delivery and the garbage truck was due. So, when someone buzzed I almost killed myself getting to the gate. Who should I find but the local Jehovah Witnesses? It took about two seconds for him to launch into the presentation. I moved in quickly to cut him off, “I’m a Christian.” He persisted. “I’m a missionary from the United States.” He persisted. “I’m going to pray. Father…..Jesus Christ is God……Amen.” He persisted. “I have some material for you. Wait here just a moment – just a moment.” As quickly as possible I returned with the New Testament and More Than a Carpenter, but he had already disappeared. I followed in hot pursuit books in hand, finally overtaking a different group and asking them to deliver the material. A few minutes later we passed him on our way into town. His words were enthusiastic, “Thank you!”

In light of the fact that we are up to 54 dead scorpions in and around the house (the final count was 140), a friend and fellow missionary suggested Ezekiel 2:6 as an appropriate verse for us. “And you, son of man, do not be afraid of them or their words. Do not be afraid, though briers and thorns are all around you and you live among scorpions. Do not be afraid of what they say or terrified by them, though they are a rebellious house.”

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Want To Take A Walk?

It sure is a pleasant day today. Hey, I have an idea. Do you want to take a walk downtown? Watch your step with these uneven sidewalks or you may end up on your face ,’,’,’(walk, walk, walk) ,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’ Notice the black t-shirt that teenager is wearing? In Spanish it says, “Mayan Gods” and has a collage of their pictures – that kind of thing is really common ,’,’,’,’,’,’ Do you want to stop in for a cup of coffee at Macundos? It’s a local hangout with historic archways and a grand inner court. The owners have a baby named Adonia ,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’, I would encourage you to look straight ahead as we pass the magazine stands, they are always degenerate ,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’ I’ll try to ask this homeless looking man about the cathedral across from us but his mumbling may cut the conversation short ,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’ See that golden stand in the shop window that looks like a sunburst? That’s where they put the actual, literal body of Jesus after everyone has “received him” during mass ,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’, These students seem interested in us as they take the opportunity to try out their English and their teacher is pleased and intrigued as well ,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’ Isn’t the talavera tile beautiful in this historic district? Puebla is known for it as well as for their molé ,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’, The man and little boy coming toward us are in obvious need of help. Do you want to give them a coin or a small bag of noodles when they hold out their hand or should we look away and keep walking? ,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’, There’s the House of Culture. It has a beautiful garden inside for the public and is a great place to sit for a few moments of mediation and quietness ,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’ Smell those hand made tortillas cooking at the street vender up ahead? It makes my mouth water ,’,’,’,’,’,’,’ Over there is a sign advertising an art class for making skeletons to celebrate the Day of the Dead ,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’ Let’s stop by “the toads”. It’s an area filled with bars and known for all night drinking and dancing. Did you catch the confused look on the waitress’s face when we ask her if she had abundant and eternal life? We should stop by again sometime and follow up on that question ,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’ Here’s a good place to buy a 10¢ bag of Japanese peanuts. A couple more stops and we can get to know the owner’s name and even learn a bit about him. Who knows where such a relationship will lead ,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’ I’m really glad you came along, there’s so much more to see ,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’,’

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Divine Mathematical Theory

Lately I have been mulling over just how God might receive glory from our lives. Does the missionary in a fertile country who sees hundreds turn to Christ bring greater glory to God than the missionary in a hard crusted country who labors for a lifetime to see two people saved? Does the pastor who leads a five thousand member church bring greater glory to God than the godly woman who is housebound because of her crippled husband?

The first option in both cases is the easy answer because of the math, Acts of ministry + results = glory to God. I wonder however if this is using 1st grade math when in reality it’s more like a physics equation.

While not claiming to know the ways or thoughts or of God (which are higher than mine without doubt and yours), I’m proposing a mathematical theory that might be more in line with how His glory is reflected in our lives and which will be revealed at the Throne of God.

Redeemed child of God + love² ▪ passion for HIM × {brokenness over sin + /obedience//worship/ × divine circumstances} – (resistance of temptation)* ≡ control of the Spirit + prayer × (humility × fruit that remains ╩╦ understanding of God’s word) • [the darkness ÷ amount of resistance] + a heart for God + trust² ∫divine mystery/humanly unknown factors ×× {sensitivity to the Spirit’s promptings + prayers of others} × grace & mercy of God = GLORY TO GOD.

So where does this all leave us? It leaves us seeking Him, refusing to compare ourselves to others, and letting God do the math.

Maria's Art Work

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Riding The Bus

It’s early morning and I’m riding the route 33 bus. With standing room only, it’s necessary to hang on for dear life. Each bounce of the tope, each screeching stop, and each mad swerve is apt to land you in the lap of a stranger. After ten minutes of travel, this 18 seat bus is crammed with 50 people from front to back. If you are claustrophobic or don’t like to have your personal space invaded you better find different transportation.

A lady boards from the back and hands a $100 peso bill to the person next to her, who passes it to the next person, then on to the next until it reaches the bus driver. Change is made and is passed back down the line. The next stop a teenage boy boards the back of the bus and passes his $5 pesos to the front and change is received. The next stop the process is repeated. One has to wonder if people resent ferrying this money but nothing is said.

Maybe it’s because there’s a different spirit here. I’ve ridden big city buses before and wouldn’t characterize anyone as overly friendly or helpful. I watch as young men give their seats to women with babies; others say “thank you” to the driver when getting off; someone helps a mother who has dropped her child’s jacket; and a driver waits for a late passenger.

Apart from sheer numbers and interesting observations I can’t help but be reminded that these are individuals who have a life after stepping down off the bus. This thought intrudes into my mind. Where will they go? Does that lady have a husband who loves and cares for her? What gives that person happiness? Is this young girl treated with respect? Who is the main spiritual influence in this young man’s life? Will we cross paths again?

Such is life when riding the bus, full of bumps and rich in learning. If you want a good taste of Mexico, take time to step up, squeeze in, look around and hang on.

© 2005 Last One Designs | Last Updated: 12/13/2005
Questions or Comments -- ken@kneelingwetriumph.com