.:. Ken's Live Journal: August 2008

.:. Ken's Live Journal

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Prayer Meeting Hill

Ray, Keith and I recently made the trek up Serro Chiquehuite for a season of prayer just before sunrise. Only a five minute drive from our home it has become known to us as “Prayer Meeting Hill”. I thought you might enjoy the story that inspired the name:

Lyman Jewett had seen little fruit at his mission post in remotest India despite seventeen years of laborious effort, yet when the American Baptist Mission Board wanted to close it down, Jewett pleaded with them for a little more time. The Board agreed, but the outpost was dubbed “Forlorn Hope.”

Early on New Year’s Day, 1854, Jewett and his native helpers climbed to the top of the hill behind Forlorn Hope to begin the year in prayer. They arrived before daybreak, at four in the morning, and read these words from Isaiah 52: “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who proclaims peace, who brings glad tidings, who proclaims salvation, who says to Zion, ‘Your God reigns!’”

Having so read, they joined in prayer, pleading with God to send just the man who could beak through the barrenness of their field. They finished praying just as the sun rose above the horizon. The mountain came to be called Prayer Meeting Hill.

Ten years later, farmer John Clough was working atop a reaper in his wheat field in Iowa when he received news that his application had been accepted by the American Baptist Foreign Mission Society. They were going to send him to a place called Forlorn Hope.

Arriving in India, John went right to work, preaching, praying, leading, and working tirelessly to feed the hungry and organize famine relief during the great drought of 1876-1878. The Indians came to love him because of his works of mercy, and increasing numbers responded to his message. A powerful revival swept the area, and on one day alone Clough and his workers baptized 2,222 converts. The conversions continued, and in 39 days, they baptized 8,691 new Christians. Twenty-four national ministers were ordained to oversee the young, exploding church; and during the course of the revival over 20,000 came to the Lord.

Forlorn Hope had proved no match for Prayer Meeting Hill.

(From This Verse: Robert Morgan – Thomas Nelson 1998)

Still Learning After 40 & 2

This post is more a tribute to the faithfulness and patience of the Lord than anything else. It seems that recently I’m going though one of those “everything I should have learned years ago” cycles, but after 40 years as a Christian and 2 in Mexico I’m still learning. I guess I should actually say “re-learning”. Here are some things the Lord has been impressing on me lately.

The Grass is not Greener (Philippians 4:11) – It is so human to think that another situation would resolve any and all current difficulties. “If only,” I say to myself. The ministry grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. Actually while it may seem greener true contentedness comes just where you are. God is working in our lives in that exact moment not on the other side of the fence.

Cheering for the Other Guy (Philippians 2:3; Ephesians 1:3) – It’s not that I’m against those who do not conform to my understanding of Christian living or my idea of ministry, it’s just that I find myself not being for them. That is small and selfish thinking. The truth is God glorifies His Name though a host of others. I’m learning to be thankful for their usefulness to Him and to cheer them on.

Could it be that ALL of us who have every spiritual blessing and fullness in Christ are bunched up more like contestants in a swim meet than like those in a marathon? Maybe in reality there’s only 1/100 second separating us, rather than some totally outdistancing others. While some may be doing the butterfly and others the freestyle or medley, the fact is if we are in the pool it’s for the glory of the Lord…and that’s something to cheer about.

Inadequacies Amplify (2 Corinthians 12:9) – Since God’s power is made perfect in weakness than I must assume that my inadequacies amplify His glory. Is it possible then that the exact same service rendered to God in weakness amplifies His glory more than when rendered out of strength? If I believe that is true (which I do) I’m going to look at humbling circumstances a lot differently and find a lot more joy in life.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Music Of Mexico - A Video Journal

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Finally Another Q & A

What’s everybody reading these days? Every Day Graces – Karen Santorum; The Long Winter – Laura Ingalls Wilder; Left Behind>The Kids< - Jerry B. Jenkins/Tim LaHaye; Project Pearl – Brother David; This Present Darkness – Frank Peretti; (You’ll have to guess who’s reading what)
What’s the weather like? Well, for starters the temperature is never really that much different at any time of the year. We often have to stop and remember what season we are in. The end of dry season in April and May tends to be the hottest. Once the rains come in summer it can be quite cool.
What are you looking forward to? Through the vision and generosity of others we are awaiting 10 cases of Scriptures to be delivered from Texas - 120 Bibles; 200 New Testaments; 300 Gospels of John. We are also looking forward to a visit with my parents in September.
What are a few good websites about Mexico?
Ancient Mexico: Ancient Mexico
Culture and History: Mexico Connect (scroll down on left column)
Children site in Spanish: México Para Niños
Is there a Scripture that has been meaningful?Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.” 2 Corinthians 9:6
When does school start and what does the year look like for the children? We pretty much school year round with breaks when needed. This year among other things Christina is studying – early American history, language arts, musical composers; Maria – Algebra 1, Greek and Roman history, Biology; Daniel – American literature, Advanced Physics, Consumer Math.
What insight has the Lord given you recently? If I truly believe my inadequacies amplify Christ’s glory, it changes my perspective on how I view myself and my circumstances.
What have you seen of interest this week? A lawn mowing service including lawn mower, weed eater and other accessories strapped to the back of a bicycle.
Do you have a picture worth a thousand words?

Friday, August 08, 2008

A Crazy Family - A Photo Journal

Welcome to Maria's world

Obviously the parent’s heads are not on straight

Christina puts on her serious face

Joseph, hanging out on the wall

Print and color

It runs in Diana’s side of the family too

Did somebody say alligator?

Watch out when she gets that look in her eye

Working undercover as a Spanish student

Have the courage to be a little crazy

Friday, August 01, 2008

Lest You Think Otherwise

Lest you think otherwise from the last post, we are not living here in a state of depression. There are plenty of times for laughter in the family and after two years of transition some days we actually feel like we are settling in. There are days of victory and encouragement.

Some cool things along the way: classical guitar lessons, craft classes, teaching English; cancha futbol, neighborhood friends, zoo visits, horse riding lessons, learning Spanish, a week in Cuernavaca, a ping pong table, a puppy, new books brought in, a trip to Houston, club soccer, a gift of Taste of Home cookbooks, house with a side yard, ice skating…

God is using this “adventure” in multiple ways for our family. While they will benefit over the long term for having experienced a whole new way of life, we see them already reaping benefits. It has been particularly encouraging to see the Lord working in their lives over the last few months.

For sure we are not out of the woods and only when they are adults will we know what is in their hearts, but we are confident God is doing good things. We see them making some good strides of maturity in openness and communication. We see also some spiritual blossoming taking place. While there is loneliness the whole experience is motivation to ask some serious life questions.

Diana and I too are growing together in our understanding of God’s work in our lives. It is really quite exciting how He is orchestrating it all. Are we perfect and without problems? No. Is God working in our lives as a family? Yes. We are not living in hopelessness – lest you think otherwise.


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Questions or Comments -- ken@kneelingwetriumph.com