.:. Ken's Live Journal: February 2006

.:. Ken's Live Journal

Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Evidently the Lord is preparing us for dealing with foreign governments. It all started with a trip to our County Courthouse to get a simple apostille. Never mind that I didn’t know exactly what it was nor exactly who to see for one. First stop was office #1. There I was directed to office #2. Office #2 personnel had no idea what an apostille was but said I could wait for the clerk to return or try office #1.

So, I made my way back to office #1 just to be told they had never heard of an apostille and that I must be pronouncing it incorrectly or that the mission must have spelled it incorrectly. They invited me to come back when I knew what I needed. Hoping that the clerk had returned I moseyed back to office #2. She had returned but had never heard of an apostille.

Thankfully, someone took pity on me and looked the information up on the internet. What is an apostille? It is an official certification that a document going to a foreign country is authentic such as a marriage or birth certificate. Where do you get them? In another office, in another building, in another city of course. And so begins the run around of getting things done in a not so foreign government.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

What Do These Rocks Mean?

When Joshua led the Israelites across the flooded Jordan, each tribe was to pick up a stone to build a memorial forever. In the future when their children asked, “What do these stones mean to you?” it could be used as an opportunity to tell of the greatness of Jehovah in bringing them across.

On our front porch is a pile of rocks. They were gathered from the Greenbrier River in West Virginia. A smaller rock has the words Ebezener (hither to has God helped us) and Jehovah Jireh (God will provide) printed on it. This memorial points to many times in the past when God in His graciousness has provided for our family. It is also a reminder and inspiration of what He will do in the future.

One such time was just last week. Our family has been praying for weeks now for a particular need. We actually alluded to it in October when we wrote, “Diana and I have been praying for something BIG in our lives…We wait on tip-toe in expectation of what He is going to do.” We cannot begin to tell you how much it meant to us and how confirming it was when God answered last week. It was in a marvelous way and in His perfect timing. There’s no credit for us to take here. It was simply the graciousness and goodness of a faithful God. To Him we raise a banner of worship for having one more story to tell of what these rocks mean.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Introducing Our Homeschool Helper

For over a year now we have been petitioning the Lord for someone who would feel called to go with us to Mexico. Our need was someone who could work with our children in school while Diana concentrated on learning the Spanish language. We are now very excited to introduce you to Jodi Buttram. Jodi has a missions background, loves children, but most importantly she is a friend who follows the Lord.

Jodi and her family have been friends for almost twenty years. She along with her brothers and sister were in our youth group except for the year they packed up as a family and ministered in Russia. After returning and completing her homeschool education, she graduated from Bryan College. Over the last few years she has been a mainstay of our Sunday evening Praise and Bible Study time.

We’ll let Jodi tell you the rest of the story, “The Lord has been doing some very exciting things in my life in the past few months, in teaching me more about faith and how it can be practically applied in my life…In November, God shifted my plans and made it so that I was no longer tied down with a full-time job. I did not know what direction the Lord had for me to go, and so I began searching for His leading…”

“While I was praying for direction in my life, I was also asking God to provide me with spiritual mentors, especially in the absence of Diana, who has been my mentor in these past few years. I also felt that I needed some accountability…When the Lord showed me that He wanted me to accompany the Harers to Mexico, it also became clear that He was answering my requests for accountability and spiritual leadership.”

To correspond with Jodi contact her at jodi_m_b@yahoo.com

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


A crazy thing happened on Monday! Our friend Hank has been in the hospital so I called to cheer him up a bit. It was a difficult conversation to say the least. He didn’t recognize me, was having a hard time hearing and sounded really out of it. I chalked it up to the medication and plowed forward with the conversation almost yelling at times to be heard. Finally in desperation I asked him if we could pray and launched into a prayer. He expressed his appreciation and we were off – finally. You can imagine my surprise when I got an email from the church later in the day saying, “Hank…got out of the hospital on Sunday.” I’m not sure who I talked with but they probably thought I was the one on drugs.

Tuesday was my mom’s birthday. We talk a lot these days. She calls me when the Tennessee Volunteers win a basketball game. There have been lots of reasons to call lately! I wish for her a year filled with special surprises, lots of love from family, warm sunshine on her face and great health.

Yes, February 4th was the 1 year anniversary of our 200 month anniversary, which of course means we have been married 212 months. We celebrated with a dinner at a Mexican restaurant. I suppose it’s a bit like having an “unbirthday”, but looking for opportunities to celebrate is pretty important around our house.

I have been reading the life of Corrie ten Boom lately whose Dutch family was sent to concentration camps for hiding Jews during World War II. She has challenged my life in many ways. For instance, “The Lord has no problems, only plans…There is no limit to what He will do for us and no end to His blessings, if we surrender to Him. Surrender is trusting God…Forgive me for my hatred, O Lord. Teach me to love my enemies…Jesus is the Victor.”

© 2005 Last One Designs | Last Updated: 12/13/2005
Questions or Comments -- ken@kneelingwetriumph.com