Whirlwind Tour
Diana’s parents stopped by this week for what turned out to be a whirlwind tour. We hit the ground running on Monday and didn’t stop until we packed them on the plane for the U.S. on Saturday. There isn’t time nor interest to tell you everything from Cathedral to palace to pyramids. We managed to visit some of our favorite eating places including the street vender where we bought Hawaiian hamburgers.
One highlight was the visit to the home of our pastor, Lorenzo Servin, where we enjoyed fellowship with him and his family. They gave us a taste of Mexican hospitality when they served a cool refreshing orange drink on a blistering hot day.
Not only was it a whirlwind tour but also earth shaking. Just before 1:00 am on Friday morning the bed started swaying causing my mind to race, “Could it be..? Yes, we are having an earthquake.” It was centered in Acapulco, measured 6.0, lasted 40 seconds and was felt 180 miles way in Mexico City. While there were no injures, some were treated for panic attacks. As for Diana’s parents, they slept right through it (their biggest disappointment of the trip).
At Monday, April 16, 2007 3:34:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey! I met a girl today who has spent a lot of time in Puebla- her parents have been missionaries there for 15 years. Her name is Angie Smith, and I'll be emailing you her father's email- she was excited to hear of your ministry!
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