“It’s War!”
It started innocently enough. We were on day three of a five day English Camp in Puebla, when out of nowhere there she was. At first glance you would have thought it was Mother Teresa as she was donning the white and blue trimmed habit of the Missionaries of Charity. She had come to teach the weekly catechism class. We were sharing the same park at the same time and worse yet, the same children. Only later did I learn that she went to our tables and recruited our children by asking, “Have you taken your first communion?”, “Have you had your baptism?” And saying, “You need to come to catechism!”, “I can teach you English if you want to learn.”
It’s tough to take though. Look into the faces of these children. See the hope fading into hopelessness? See their destiny? They are being aggressively pursued. And we are losing.
In all of his years of holding English Camps our team leader said he had never encountered anything like it. We are in need of supplies. We need supplies of people of faith coming, people of complementing abilities on the scene and behind the scenes, desperate intercessors giving more time to prayer, others coming and staying, risk takers, Spirit filled followers of the Way… Why? Because in the trenches - “It’s War.”
At Monday, February 19, 2007 7:04:00 PM,
Jodi said…
Wow, what an attack. Masquerading as an angel of light. How were the Puebla team members doing?
At Tuesday, February 20, 2007 9:13:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Ephesians 2
God bless His work He has chosen for you. You are always in my thoughts and prayers!
At Wednesday, February 21, 2007 9:46:00 AM,
Keith Goodling said…
Every year that we have assisted with the ESL Camps, the enemy has risen up and attempted to steal, kill and destroy. we have seen God show Himself strong each and every time, and usually not in a way we would have expected. praise God that Diana was so quickly instructed by the Lord as to the nature of this plot, the nature of this work, the nature of our lives.
thanks for the pictures. our family knows each and every precious soul captured there. may they be set apart for the gospel. may they come to the knowledge of the truth and be saved, set free, eyes opened to the Life the Truth the Way, Jesus the Christ. may they shine like stars in the darkness. thanks for the reminder, brother. my knees are still too smooth....
Daniel 12:3 "Those who are wise will shine as bright as the sky, and those who turn many to righteousness, will shine like stars forever".
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