No Wasted Life
Snow! That’s right the ground was literally white today, not with snow but with ice. The neighborhood children went out to throw “snow”balls, make “snow”angels, and attempt to build a “snow”man. It was an exciting occasion for all. Our neighbor said that after eight years in Cuernavaca this was the first time he had seen anything like it.
I was reminded this week while reading John Piper’s book Don’t Waste Your Life why we are here building bridges to neighbors, giving away Bibles and adapting to a new world. “Life is wasted if we do not grasp the glory of the cross, cherish it for the treasure that it is, and cleave to it as the highest price of every good pleasure and the deepest comfort in every pain…When we embrace with joy the cost of following Christ, his worth will shine in the world. The cost itself will become a means to making Christ look great.”
“Whenever something is of tremendous value to you, and you cherish its beauty or power or uniqueness, you want to draw others’ attention to it and waken in them the same joy. That is why Paul’s all-consuming goal in life was for Christ to be magnified. Christ was of infinite value to Paul, and so Paul longed for others to see and savor this value. That is what it means to magnify Christ- to show the magnitude of his value…Advancing the cause of Christ is worth your life.”
“No, you do not have to be a missionary to admire and advance the great purposes of God to be known and praised and enjoyed among all peoples. But if you want to be most fully satisfied with God as he triumphs in the history of redemption, you can’t go on with business as usual – doing your work, making your money, giving your tithe, eating, sleeping, playing, and going to church.”
At Tuesday, February 13, 2007 10:35:00 AM,
Angie Velasquez Thornton said…
That's a great book. And the pix of you guys making tamales is great. I haven't actually made them myself, but I love eating them! Colombian tamales are totally different, and I don't know anyone in our family who knows how to make them. We usually buy them from an industrious Colombian who spends their whole Christmas making them (since they're traditional holiday food). My brother's wife is Mexican, and her mom brought traditional homemade tamales to our Christmas party this year. Que rico! :) Looking forward to seeing you guys in July!
At Monday, February 19, 2007 6:35:00 PM,
Jodi said…
Snow(exclamation point) I can't believe it(exclamation point) And it looks like there's a new swing set too. I bet Daniel loves that =) I miss you guys and love you tons.
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