.:. Ken's Live Journal: The Gift of Simple Pleasures

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Gift of Simple Pleasures

Diana has been challenged and inspired recently with Ann Voskamp’s blog (A Holy Experience) and book (One Thousand Gifts). Ann is a poetic, gut wrenchingly honest writer who dares us to live life fully right where we are and to embrace everyday blessings. So in recognition of the power of gratitude and in the spirit of my last journal to live in appreciation here’s the beginning of my list of simple pleasures:

The texture of wooden bowls, driving rain on a tin roof, stained glass windows, the power of a horse running, the summiting experience, the shimmer of the sun on water, mountain music, the taste of early morning coffee, the distant whistle of a train, a bubbling brook, the crackling of campfire, art, ocean waves breaking, the friendship of a dog, the atmosphere set by candles, the creativity of photography, softly clanging wind chimes, a fire red sunset from the backyard, ethnic foods, interesting architecture, the poetry of the Psalms, smell of fresh baked bread, leaves rustled by the wind, family albums from past generations, antiques, momo dumplings brought over by Nepalese neighbors, cold mountain streams, fresh mowed lawns, scenic routes, wedding receptions, the beauty of creative word play, the playfulness of a puppy, our daughters’ drawings, Adventures in Odyssey, big shady oak trees, worship music, porch swings, sound of a whippoorwill, cool shapes of drift wood, picking up seashells, championship ball games, homemade ice cream, the sound of a Harley, the smell of the earth after it rains, used bookstores, a graying beard, mountains, the greening of spring, fresh garden vegetables, afternoon cup of tea, brilliant autumn colors, Phil Yancey’s writings, a well written novel, Vivaldi, a story told from a senior, a classic car show, family traditions, the roar of a waterfall, a rummage sale “find”, home sweet home, an unexpected kiss, a long distance call from our son, the power of lightening, whirlpools, meaningful prayer times, wild and open places, cold showers on hot days and hot showers on cold days, discovering new authors, the striking of my grandfather’s clock, animals in the wild, a front porch rocking chair, reunions with old friends, laughter of our children, fields of flowers, March Madness, the sound of screen doors…

Here’s Ann, “[A friend] dares me, and I don’t even blink. Could I write a list of a thousand things I love? Sometimes you don’t know when you’re taking the first step through a door until you’re already inside…I grab a scrap paper out of the ash-woven basket at the end of the counter…Across the backside, on a whim, a dare, I scratch it do: Gift List. I begin the list. Not of gifts I want but of gifts I already have.
1) Morning shadows across the old floors
2) Jam piled high on toast
3) Cry of a blue jay from high in a spruce

“That is the beginning and I smile. I can’t believe how I smile. I mean, they are just common things and maybe I don’t even know they are gifts really until I write them down and that is really what they look like. Gifts He bestows. This writing it down – it is sort of like… unwrapping love.”


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