Celebration of Womanhood
In this kingdom the mother plays an extra special part in nurturing her daughter’s growth toward being a woman. As she walks along the way, she speaks of honoring physical beauty, the art of creativity in everyday life, the captivating mystery of the woman’s soul and the holy experience of life aflame with God. They relish special moments together……..moments that fade into lasting memories.
At the onset of the “blossoming time” the mother invites a handful of women for a special event. At this event family traditions are handed down from generation to generation. A special gift, new dress, bouquets of spring flowers, a pink rose corsage, lace tablecloths, live music and secret family foods can all give the event meaning.
In the mountaineer region for example, the Harer family celebrates with a heritage of afternoon tea. The cucumber sandwiches, crescent ham rolls and scones are their signature foods. Deep red strawberries with almond cream also adorn the table along with those dipped in tasty chocolate. An Irish Breakfast blend of tea steeped to perfection flows for the joyous occasion.
When the “sharing” begins, the women tell stories from the richness of their own lives. They share insights and wisdom as tea is sipped. They pass down a passion for Biblical womanhood. Sharing things like, “Make sure that your thoughts are pleasing to your Maker.” “You are fearfully and wonderfully made…intricately woven by your Creator. Trust the plans He has for you.” “A happy heart makes the face cheerful…Proverbs 15:13.”
Then a prayer seals the ceremony and blesses the budding young maiden. A prayer that over the coming years she will mature into a woman of God’s design, who loves God wholeheartedly, finds her identity and security in Christ, seeks to reflect the image of God in modesty and virtue, and who ministers grace to others through her biblical roles.
At Wednesday, April 20, 2011 11:05:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
A beautiful young woman!
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