Passing It On: Know What I Mean?
So I’m left to ponder. What am I passing on to my children? I’m not sure I want to know. What do I want to pass on to my children? It’s innumerable. Character is important. Love for God’s Word. Holy Spirit awareness. Importance of family. Humor and laughter. Being real and vulnerable in community. The Christian life is not perfection, it’s a transforming process. Creative living is good. ALL of these are good but let me focus on three others.
I want to pass on an attitude of adventure. John Eldredge captured the idea well in the quote included in one of his writings, “Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” I want my children to discover the God-given adventure that He has placed in their heart. And it very well might be unconventional. Here’s what I mean: it could be a summer learning language in Germany, studying the cello, raising seven children with a homesteading focus, doing graduate work in ethnomusicology, starting an outreach to surfers, adopting children from Ethiopia, opening a tea room on a university campus, becoming a writer or artist…
I want to pass on a heart for worship. A king Davidisque type of worship…passionate, real and undignified. A heart that stands solidly on revelation and engages the emotions. Unquestionably it is worship of the Triune God and goes way beyond the eleven o’clock hour of Sunday morning. Here’s what I mean: it daily acknowledges God’s worth when writing music, standing in wonder at the Grand Canyon, gazing at the stars, touring in Ireland, marveling at the birth of a child, enjoying blueberry harvest, listening to Hillsong, hiking in a National Park…
So what about you? What are you wanting to pass on to your children? It’s worth thinking about, if you know what I mean.
At Wednesday, June 22, 2011 10:16:00 AM,
KG said…
great looking hat, Ken! Hey, remember that day coming back from your in-laws place and we happened upon a classic car show at the burger joint? I was struck by your child like enthusiasm and excitement as you asked " wanna stop and look at some hot rods?!" "maybe we can bring the girls back later, and take them for a ride in a convertible?" a great memory for me brother. i miss that about you. it's something you have passed on to me. and i thank God, and you for it. grace and peace, my friend.
At Wednesday, June 22, 2011 4:50:00 PM,
Natalie said…
I know this question is for fathers, but first things first, I want to pass on a love for God, a meaningful relationship with Christ and a hunger for the Word. I feel like a failure every day at all three of these. I'm really struggling to communicate Truths to my little ones. Thanks for the challenge/perspective!
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