First Impressions
We are here and are forming first impressions of our adopted country. Every morning we welcome a new dramatic sunrise with the majestic Mount Popo in the background. The landscape and natural beauty here are stunning. The food is delicious and as you could guess we especially enjoy all the fresh and tasty fruit. (Warning: Be careful where and what you eat.) We can’t begin to describe all the new sounds, smells and sights that are hitting us.
We are also getting our feet wet when it comes to culture shock. Checking for scorpions when you get up in the night is a whole new experience for us. So is spending ten minutes looking for jelly in the super market. It’s tough when the store is unfamiliar, you can’t read the signs and there’s no way to ask for help. The market is yet another world and is pretty cool. It is a maze of narrow walkways filled with clothes, pig skins, hair salons, fruit stands, shoe repair, CD’s, flowers, candles, kitchenware, pottery…
Of course there is also the spiritually dark side of the culture. Cannon blasts can be heard all though the valley honoring various saints. Young adults on their spiritual pilgrimage are seen along the road with back packs and crosses. Replicas of ancient idols can be seen in homes and purchased in various shops. In the weeks leading up to the Day of the Dead (November 1st) tarot card readers and other diviners fill the mall to provide their services. It all reminds us of why we are here.
So how will we be able to make these transitions? On the day we left from Laredo for Mexico I went to the kitchen for a morning cup of coffee. I was struck by the fact that the cup had a Scripture reference on it. In this Scripture I believe we have our answer. “But blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in Him. He will be like a tree planted by water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when the heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.” Jeremiah 17:7-8
At Wednesday, May 24, 2006 2:25:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Interesting that the shrubbery in your pictures look like Joshua Trees! We love you all so much and miss you like mad. May you have a blessed week of adjusting before life in language school begins. Take care of my big sister!
With lots of love,
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