Acts 13:3 Lives On
When friends come from in town, across town, and out of town to show their support you can be sure it’s quite an event. For our family it will be one long-remembered as last Sunday we celebrated an ordination/commissioning/communion service. It was an evening filled with memories, affirmations, encouragements, hugs and tears. We are honored to have all of you as such dear friends who so freely express your love and care for us.
The highlights of the evening are numerous but here are a few that surface in my mind 1) the words of exhortation from each elder of the church 2) all those who came to stand as a show of support during the prayer of commissioning 3) the word whispered in my ear, “It is enough for the servant to be like his Master” 4) the special attention given to our children including public affirmation and support from their friends 5) the opportunity to extol the Lamb of God at His table 6) the wonderful and beautifully decorated reception afterwards.
Now we have opportunity to follow the same drum beat as the Moravians of long ago. In 1732, two hundred years after the Reformation they sent out their first missionaries to the West Indies. Soon they were sending out missionaries into all the world. As they went their rallying cry became, “That the Lamb may receive the reward for His suffering.” And so may it be throughout the world today.
At Sunday, April 02, 2006 5:57:00 PM,
Josiah said…
It's crazy that you guys will be leaving in just a couple of weeks. It really hasn't hit me fully, but it's beginning to sink in. You have been amazing mentors and examples in mine and Jessi's life. We are eager to hear how God will direct your path in Mexico, but are also sad to see you leave. God's speed.
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