A crazy thing happened on Monday! Our friend Hank has been in the hospital so I called to cheer him up a bit. It was a difficult conversation to say the least. He didn’t recognize me, was having a hard time hearing and sounded really out of it. I chalked it up to the medication and plowed forward with the conversation almost yelling at times to be heard. Finally in desperation I asked him if we could pray and launched into a prayer. He expressed his appreciation and we were off – finally. You can imagine my surprise when I got an email from the church later in the day saying, “Hank…got out of the hospital on Sunday.” I’m not sure who I talked with but they probably thought I was the one on drugs.
Yes, February 4th was the 1 year anniversary of our 200 month anniversary, which of course means we have been married 212 months. We celebrated with a dinner at a Mexican restaurant. I suppose it’s a bit like having an “unbirthday”, but looking for opportunities to celebrate is pretty important around our house.
I have been reading the life of Corrie ten Boom lately whose Dutch family was sent to concentration camps for hiding Jews during World War II. She has challenged my life in many ways. For instance, “The Lord has no problems, only plans…There is no limit to what He will do for us and no end to His blessings, if we surrender to Him. Surrender is trusting God…Forgive me for my hatred, O Lord. Teach me to love my enemies…Jesus is the Victor.”
At Wednesday, February 08, 2006 9:54:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
I am not so much commenting on this latest post as on my whole experience of rediscovering your website. I am very thankful for what God has done through the last half-hour for me. It was an encouragement to read and reflect on these words and images (and video, nice one). I am very judgmental, proud and hypocritical. I feel superior when I see some one do something that I rejected last week and will do again next week. One of the things I reject is when people talk about their faith being “personal” or “private” and what they really want is an unexamined, private religion that bears little resemblance to orthodox Christianity. I condemn that. But, I am like that. The thing about my little trip through this website that has been of most value has been the conflicting true joy and ill-ease I have experienced reading the words of a man, a family, who are not afraid to talk about the true and living God as if he were real and really meant what he says. It’s encouraging to some one who tends to almost sounds like a humanist when he talks. Anyway, I hope that made sense. I feel like it might make sense to people who know the Harers and are ashamed/inspired by knowing them. Ashamed because you almost feel like a pagan because they take their Lord so seriously and you don’t, but inspired that believing and living and talking and acting like that is possible.
I also enjoy tea, but I think your fascination with the liquid is bordering on psychopathology. I could be wrong. I am not a psychotherapist…yet.
The section about worship was tremendous. I enjoyed reading that again.
Keep up the good work. I am no Rabbi, but…
“The LORD bless you and keep you;
the LORD make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you;
the LORD lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.” Numbers 6:24-26
from a friend
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