.:. Ken's Live Journal: Prayer Card Lottery

Monday, January 16, 2006

Prayer Card Lottery

Over the last couple of years we have collected a lot of friends who are missionaries. Eventually their prayer cards took over the refrigerator and a bulletin board. Although they were in our sight regrettably they were not often in our prayers. So, the other day I decided to make a radical move and take them all down. Now we each draw one from the stack during our family devotions. Our children have mischievously dubbed it our prayer card lottery but thankfully it has put prayer back into the prayer card.

The impetus for our idea was actually born a couple of summers ago when we were in candidate orientation. One of our trainers told of an elderly couple who prayed for 200 missionaries. It seems they both had a box of 100 cards and after breakfast they would pray for 50 each. Then after lunch they would pray for the remaining 50 in their boxes. And if that wasn’t Herculean enough, after supper they would pray up into the night for all 200 again! I have a sneaky suspicion that this elderly couple has been greatly used to spread a passion for Christ to the world even though they probably have never set foot in another country.

Being a laborer in the harvest is never out of reach for anyone who takes the time to pray. At any age, at any stage of life, with any limitation we have opportunity to advance His glory among the nations? What stories will be told in heaven of the victories won by those who triumphed on bended knee?

"Away in foreign fields, they wondered how
Their simple word had power -
At home, some Christians, two or three, had met
To pray an hour.
We are always wondering- wondering how,
Because we do not see
Someone - perhaps unknown and far away -
On bended knee." -Unknown


  • At Wednesday, January 18, 2006 12:34:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    A lottery! How scandalous!!! =)


  • At Thursday, January 19, 2006 6:18:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    We were experiencing some great spiritual warfare prior to our Christmas program where I am currently serving. One worker called home to her mom and asked her to pray that persecutors would flee. When the mom commenced to pray specifically for our Christmas program, she began to have a stroke. She was temporarily paralyzed and went to the ER...

    She is fine now, but hearing this story made me realize how powerful prayer is...it makes Satan attack or run away in fear. And these battles we face really are not of flesh and blood.

    You are truly joining in the kingdom building efforts when you kneel before His throne for workers in distant lands.

  • At Thursday, January 19, 2006 11:57:00 PM, Blogger Josiah said…

    What a great idea! It's so easy to forget to pray and it's so important to be purposeful. Especially for those who are out of sight. You know the old saying "out of sight out of mind."


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