Waiting Done Well
Waiting is seldom done well. It's much more akin to nervous tension than to peaceful reflection. We just are not prepped for it in our western industrialized society. Waiting is an uncomfortable nuisance to productivity and accomplishment. Our cultural thinking demands that we “get things done”, “make things happen”, and “achieve our goal.” Learning to wait well lets us hear from God and soothes the restlessness of our souls.
While waiting takes time, it is not passive. Instead it is actively expectant that God is always working – occasionally on center stage and always behind the scenes. Waiting then is grounded in expectant hopefulness of what will be revealed. It’s not moving from nothing to something but from something to something more.
Israel waited to be delivered from Egypt. Simeon waited to see the Christ. Abraham waited to receive his promise. The psalmist waited for the Lord God’s answer. Christians wait for the blessed hope. We wait for God to reveal what He has set in motion.
Waiting done well is not wishful selfishness. It is not teeth gritting resolve. Waiting done well is hopeful expectation.
At Wednesday, January 09, 2013 12:41:00 AM,
Linda Milne said…
What an amazing mind-set to have... really made me stop and think. We all (me) tend to get caught up in our day to day dealings with life. Too busy... but God is always waiting for us when we're ready to be still and quiet and listening..
Thank you...
At Thursday, January 10, 2013 10:06:00 AM,
Keithg said…
another good word, brother. thanks again for your ministry to all who read the words God has placed in your heart and thanks for learning to 'wait well' it inspires us all. we are most satisfied when God is most glorified.... or something like that.
blessings to y'all in 2013!
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