The Triangular Facets of the Christian Life: Life
Even so it is not uncommon to approach Christianity as a dead religion. Christ died for me over two thousand years ago. He did so much for me in His death I should do something for Him. So for all practical intents and purposes we go on serving a dead Christ. But He didn’t stay dead. The resurrected Christ is very much alive. He is very much alive in us. Through His Spirit Christ is in us - motivating, filling, thinking, deciding, captivating, directing, transforming, living His life through us. Thus Christianity is a very lively proposition.
The Word of God itself is living and active, sharper then a two-edged sword. How could it be anything less when all its writings are inspired? God is articulate in His universe so when we open the Bible we can expect Him to speak to us. Some themes have a way of finding applications in our heart and becoming life giving at various junctures of our journey. Even our communication of these life giving themes are in life giving ways – gracious, freeing, hopeful and inviting as opposed to guilt, controlling, burdensome and heavy.
This supernatural life plays out in ten thousand ways in our normal, everyday, ordinary lives. Pastors, encouragers, preachers, and those who speak with wisdom help to cultivate an awareness of God’s presence in everything we do. They remind us that ultimately our lives are about the supremacy and sufficiency of Jesus Christ. They invite us to live fully right where we are.
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