Old Guys Rule: Ramblings At 50
I love cards that have good words, a nice texture and creative art. A lot came my way, some reflective and some funny. Like this one, “Don’t worry 50 is just a number…and the Titanic was just a boat, and World War II was just a misunderstanding, and Chernobyl was just a few leaky pipe…Just Kidding.” And “If you have a complete set of salad bowls and they all say Cool Whip on the side of them, you might be a redneck. Have a hootin’ and hollerin’ happy birthday.”
The biggest surprise of the day came in the way of a phone call. As most of you know I have been applying and interviewing for jobs over the last few months without success. It was a gift to receive a call that I got the job working as an advocate for the disabled to area businesses. I start on August 1st. Yahoo!
Late that night after everyone had left I Facebooked, “This has been one of the best days of my life.” Someone responded, “A friend told me years back...‘You are going to love middle age.’ She was right. I say the same to you.” I hope so. I really want to grow into each phase of life with a glimmer in my eye and a cheerfulness that’s infectious – living life robustly, fully, contentedly, abundantly.
At Tuesday, July 19, 2011 1:46:00 PM,
Justin said…
Enter the Worship Circle part 4?
At Tuesday, July 19, 2011 2:36:00 PM,
the tyson guy said…
man, that seemed like so much good fun. wish we could have been there. thanks for the blog about it and the pictures!
At Tuesday, July 19, 2011 3:32:00 PM,
'50' in Amish country said…
you are by far my favorite 'redneck'
PS: do you have an extra salad bowl? one of mine has a crack in it!!
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