Jesus Never Fails
The plaque even impacted our family in a Balaam’s donkey sort of way. My aunt had taught her parakeet, Buttercup, to say things like, “Buttercup is a pretty girl”, “Kept by the power of God, 1 Peter 1:5”, “Are you happy?….Hallelujah” and, yes, you guessed it “Jesus never fails.” One morning as my grandpa poured out his heart in prayer concerning work for my dad, almost on cue Buttercup belted out a timely reminder, “Jesus never fails.”
Now we are privileged to have it hanging in our own home pouring forth the same proclamation it has for almost 100 years. It’s a great refrain during these days of economic uncertainty, world unrest and personal searching. I can almost hear it interwoven into Scripture (Psalm 136 fashion) as a blazing reminder of His faithfulness:
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, Jesus never fails.
and all these things will be given to you as well. Jesus never fails.
Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, Jesus never fails.
for tomorrow will worry about itself. Jesus never fails.
Each day has enough trouble of its own. Jesus never fails.
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