Lies That Mis-Shape Us
Over the last few months I have been thinking about how lies mis-shape us.
“I am worthless and unwanted.” “God does not care.” “Life is of no value.” “I have to give sex to get love.” “I am to blame; life is hopeless.”
Lies like these put us at a real disadvantage by creating a life of bondage and pain. When embraced as true they create in our mind a distortion about ourselves, others or even God. Often they are formed as a result of a painful circumstance that creates deep wounds and strongholds. It’s possible that we have lived with them for a long, long time, and we don’t even recall exactly when they started.
Lies like these give us a perceived advantage, but the outcome is living in sin. The temptation is strong, our thinking is clouded, and we rationalize the truth, deciding for one reason or another to go for it. And there at the bottom of every sin is that little lie that stokes it all. It starts out as a perceived advantage. It ends up in a distant relationship with God.
Whether we are talking about lies that create a painful disadvantage or lies that create a perceived advantage we have to ask ourselves, “Where are these coming from?” We don’t have to look far for the answer to that one. Jesus said, “When [the devil] lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” He, in fact, is such a masterful liar that he can have us lying to ourselves in a jiffy – for a lifetime.
So what do we do about it? Well, you can be sure of one thing. There are not pat answers for years of piled up lies. On the other hand, you can be sure the answers are directly linked to God. And that it has a lot to do with Psalm 51:6 “Surely you desire truth in the inner parts; you teach me wisdom in the inmost place.”
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