Don’t Do This, Don’t Do That
Planning a visit to Mexico this coming year? Here are some “Don’ts” to keep in mind to make your trip a rip roaring success.
1. Don’t look at the police.
2. Don’t talk loudly in public.
3. Don’t put the paper in the toilet bowl.
4. Don’t eat food from non-recommended street venders - or you will get a lot of practice on the previous “don’t”.
5. Don’t fail to get off the metro with your group in Mexico City – or to get on.
6. Don’t point…don’t stare.
7. Don’t forget to bring a sweater – yes, in Mexico.
9. Don’t leave home without a few important Spanish phrases (¿Donde está el baño?/Where is the bathroom?)
10. Don’t forget sunscreen.
11. Don't toss an object to someone.
12. Don’t forget to always greet everyone and always say goodbye to everyone – the “Mexican way”.
13. Don't lay your money on the counter at the cash register.
14. Don't show up on time to a party - it would be rude and rather uncomfortable.
15. Don't pay with a 500 peso for a 40 peso bill, they will not have change.
16. Don't hit the man standing in your blind spot blowing a whistle while you back your car out of a space, and don't forget to tip him.
17. Don't be surprised when your neighbor comes to visit after 10:00 pm.
18. Don't surprise your neighbor with a visit before 10:00 am.
19. Don't forget to tip the grocery bagger, parking attendant, gas station attendant, the person who carries your bags to the car...did I forget anyone?
20. Don't take photos of individuals without asking first.
21. Don't forget an umbrella during rainy season - or maybe even during dry season too.
22. Don’t rinse your toothbrush with tap water and don’t swallow the water in the shower.
23. Don't wear your hat into a church.
24. Don't expect others to follow the rules of the road...oh I forgot, what rules?
25. Don't stand too close to the curb, and don't think that pedestrians have the right of way.
26. Don't yell out people's names to get their attention; whistle instead.
27. Don't expect people to tell you what they really feel, but what they think you want to hear.
28. Don't ask for a quesadilla without cheese.
29. Don't think that you know or understand anything.
30. Don't be judgmental of the culture – it’s not wrong, just different.
(Thanks to contributors for this post: Juan Carlos, Debbie, Keith, Candace, Dawn)
At Wednesday, October 22, 2008 4:37:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
How about this one: "Don't tell people with lighter hair and eyes, 'You don't look Mexican.'!" Anyone who has seen Mexican soap operas or any other programs knows that Mexicans are very heterogeneous, and many are very European/non-indigenous. Great post, btw! So true!
At Wednesday, October 22, 2008 7:42:00 AM,
gina said…
wow...overwhelming. i feel the same way i felt after i read the 'servant's staff' at abc for the first time.
At Wednesday, October 22, 2008 10:09:00 AM,
Sarita in Mexico 2009 said…
Thanks for the tips! They'll come in handy when I arrive in January, Lordwilling!:) I'm in close contact with a ministry in San Juan del Rio, Queretaro where I may live...more details to come! ¡Bendiciones!
At Wednesday, October 22, 2008 10:48:00 AM,
S.D. Smith said…
We love you guys.
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