Finally Another Q & A
What’s everybody reading these days? Every Day Graces – Karen Santorum; The Long Winter – Laura Ingalls Wilder; Left Behind>The Kids< - Jerry B. Jenkins/Tim LaHaye; Project Pearl – Brother David; This Present Darkness – Frank Peretti; (You’ll have to guess who’s reading what)
What are you looking forward to? Through the vision and generosity of others we are awaiting 10 cases of Scriptures to be delivered from Texas - 120 Bibles; 200 New Testaments; 300 Gospels of John. We are also looking forward to a visit with my parents in September.
What are a few good websites about Mexico?
Ancient Mexico: Ancient Mexico
Culture and History: Mexico Connect (scroll down on left column)
Children site in Spanish: México Para Niños
Is there a Scripture that has been meaningful? “Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.” 2 Corinthians 9:6
When does school start and what does the year look like for the children? We pretty much school year round with breaks when needed. This year among other things Christina is studying – early American history, language arts, musical composers; Maria – Algebra 1, Greek and Roman history, Biology; Daniel – American literature, Advanced Physics, Consumer Math.
What insight has the Lord given you recently? If I truly believe my inadequacies amplify Christ’s glory, it changes my perspective on how I view myself and my circumstances.
What have you seen of interest this week? A lawn mowing service including lawn mower, weed eater and other accessories strapped to the back of a bicycle.
Do you have a picture worth a thousand words?
At Tuesday, August 19, 2008 6:48:00 PM,
Angie Velasquez Thornton said…
wow! maria is studying greek? that's great! are you teaching her, ken, or is diana? very impressive!
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