Still Learning After 40 & 2
This post is more a tribute to the faithfulness and patience of the Lord than anything else. It seems that recently I’m going though one of those “everything I should have learned years ago” cycles, but after 40 years as a Christian and 2 in Mexico I’m still learning. I guess I should actually say “re-learning”. Here are some things the Lord has been impressing on me lately.
The Grass is not Greener (Philippians 4:11) – It is so human to think that another situation would resolve any and all current difficulties. “If only,” I say to myself. The ministry grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. Actually while it may seem greener true contentedness comes just where you are. God is working in our lives in that exact moment not on the other side of the fence.
Cheering for the Other Guy (Philippians 2:3; Ephesians 1:3) – It’s not that I’m against those who do not conform to my understanding of Christian living or my idea of ministry, it’s just that I find myself not being for them. That is small and selfish thinking. The truth is God glorifies His Name though a host of others. I’m learning to be thankful for their usefulness to Him and to cheer them on.
Could it be that ALL of us who have every spiritual blessing and fullness in Christ are bunched up more like contestants in a swim meet than like those in a marathon? Maybe in reality there’s only 1/100 second separating us, rather than some totally outdistancing others. While some may be doing the butterfly and others the freestyle or medley, the fact is if we are in the pool it’s for the glory of the Lord…and that’s something to cheer about.
Cheering for the Other Guy (Philippians 2:3; Ephesians 1:3) – It’s not that I’m against those who do not conform to my understanding of Christian living or my idea of ministry, it’s just that I find myself not being for them. That is small and selfish thinking. The truth is God glorifies His Name though a host of others. I’m learning to be thankful for their usefulness to Him and to cheer them on.
Could it be that ALL of us who have every spiritual blessing and fullness in Christ are bunched up more like contestants in a swim meet than like those in a marathon? Maybe in reality there’s only 1/100 second separating us, rather than some totally outdistancing others. While some may be doing the butterfly and others the freestyle or medley, the fact is if we are in the pool it’s for the glory of the Lord…and that’s something to cheer about.
Inadequacies Amplify (2 Corinthians 12:9) – Since God’s power is made perfect in weakness than I must assume that my inadequacies amplify His glory. Is it possible then that the exact same service rendered to God in weakness amplifies His glory more than when rendered out of strength? If I believe that is true (which I do) I’m going to look at humbling circumstances a lot differently and find a lot more joy in life.
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