While many of you are already enduring one of the worst Octobers in history we have 80 degree weather down here. As I type this journal I’m wearing shorts and a T-shirt with the fan running, it’s great. Mornings are nice and cool with a sweater feeling just right. The rainy season is about to end which will bring even more sun and just a little cooler temperature. In local news Diana spent Saturday with missionary ladies shopping; Maria is drawing beautiful horse pictures; Daniel just finished his biology course; Ken is celebrating that both the Volunteers and the Mountaineers are in the top 10; Christina still wants her ears pierced; Chelsea got her first haircut and Cuernavaca continues to have a garbage strike.
While we are in the process of learning a second language (one more quickly than the other) we are also learning a third language. Yes, a third language! We are learning that while talking with the Lord there is also the language of the heart. Among other things it’s the realization of His presence in the room, it’s His comforting words and strong arm, it’s assurance that He hears intimately our heart with or without words.
It truly is a small world. On Sunday we were invited to have lunch with some veteran WEC missionaries. There we met Ed and Debbie Somerville. Both grew up in southern West Virginia, Ed in Boone county and Debbie in Barboursville. They have eight children, homeschool, are developing a camp ministry, and have been in Mexico for six years now. The Lord continues to give our family special surprises. (Check out their website)
On another newsy note we are about to begin the language school shuffle. With Jodi returning to the States, Diana and I will take turns in school and at home. It’s really probably best for me since it will give the “boys downstairs” a chance to sort through and organize all the information I have been sending down to them over the last few months.
At Monday, October 16, 2006 3:38:00 PM,
gina said…
How encouraging. The Lord knows just what we need right when we need it. We are praying for you all.
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