.:. Ken's Live Journal: Prominent & Dominant

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Prominent & Dominant


It’s difficult to describe how prominent the Virgin of Guadalupe (Mary) is here in Mexico and how dominant she is on the religious landscape.

Prominent and dominant is one way to describe it, pervasive is another. Her picture or image can be seen in almost every home, church, business, bus, cemetery and market. While I want desperately to give you a word picture of how worship and superstition surrounding her permeates this society, words fail me. So, I will turn to the words of others in this quest.

Pope John Paul II said in one of his visits to Mexico, "I come to you bearing in my eyes and in my soul the Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, your Protectrix. You bear a filial love toward her which I have been able to spot not only in her shrine but also while passing through the streets and cities of Mexico. Wherever there is a Mexican, there is the Mother of Guadalupe. Someone recently told me that 96 out of 100 Mexicans are Catholic but 100 out of 100 are Guadalupeans!"

On the other hand one missionary wrote to me and said, “…December 12th… is the day to honor the "Virgin of Guadalupe". Several million people a year will walk to Mexico City to the cathedral of Guadalupe to pay homage. Many will crawl on their hands and knees the last few miles or blocks to gain merit.” And from another, “To see people crawling on their knees trying to gain favor from Mary is enough to break even the hardest Christian heart. To see priests bow to Mary and ignore Jesus brings one to the point of anger. To see the precious indigenous people offering the sacrifice of first fruits to the feet of Mary is enough to drive a person to tears.”

How I wish I could inspire you to throw your life away to bring hope and light…

(You can read the account of the supposed appearance of the Virgin of Guadelupe to Juan Diego in 1531 at Mexico Connect.)


  • At Tuesday, September 19, 2006 11:28:00 AM, Blogger Keith Goodling said…

    thanks for sharing this most distressing deception and attempting to explain via pictures, as words just don't quite do it. especially English. we continue to pray for strongholds to be torn down and for the Light to shine in the darkness exposing all the lies, hidden things and deceptions. God bless you and su familia mi hermano. a la gloria del Dios

  • At Tuesday, September 19, 2006 9:15:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Have you ever seen a black Jesus? Lately, because of my class work, I have been thinking of how different cultures and races try and identify with important people. Seeing the photos you can defiantly see the Hispanic influence as well as the Caucasian. Yet as I try and understand all of these differences I can’t understand who Tweedy Bird is representing.
    With Love


  • At Tuesday, September 19, 2006 10:57:00 PM, Blogger Josiah said…

    The oppressive and pervasive presence of Catholicism, but particulary the Virgin of Guadelupe, was the thing that arrested my attention more than any other as we traveled through the city of Cuernevaca with you guys.

    May God give you strength as you live out the light of the truth in a land full of darkness and deception.

  • At Wednesday, September 20, 2006 10:15:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    People trapped in darkness feel they have no ability to approach the God of the universe. They look for ways to reach God, to fulfill that longing in their heart. In India "mediators" to God took on some very disheartening forms. I can still close my eyes and see the images.

    Praise HIM that the veil was torn, that HE came down to us, and became our mediator. I love that passage (I Timothy 2:5-6) and the promise it gives to bring us peace and rest. It keeps my heart from striving-

    Mary lived a very amazing life in an even more amazing time. Of all the women that walked the earth, God selected her to bear His Son! But even as I type this I realize that He chose Mary to be born in her time before the foundation of the world! (Acts 17:26-27)

    If Mary was deity, she would've known her calling- no one revealed Jesus' calling to him! Mary was in shock when the angel came to her. Jesus was twelve years old, teaching in His Father's house- educating His parents on who He was!

    The question remains, how can we move these people to be free from idol worship. I think Ray was right, people are hungry/longing for something they can identify with. It's much easier for a woman to relate to Mary- how are you going to teach them that Jesus knows us intimately like Mary never could? That He, in His omni-presence, hears every prayer on our lips? That He imparted His righteousness to us?

    I have seen among former Hindus first an acceptance of Jesus, and then a gradual turn from idols...I have an older friend that was raised Roman Catholic, started attending a Bible church, and slowly she 1st stopped praying the rosary, then took her picture of Mary down, then stopped going to Mass...

    This slow process grays the line of when one truly becomes born again. Yet we see this in our own lives, if we think about the idols we still struggle against desiring to serve. I had the chance to ask Allistar Begg one time about whether or not someone is really saved if they couldn't pin-point a specific date and time. The words he said have rung in my heart to this day. "Natalie, I can't wait to get to heaven and see when God wrote my name down in the Lamb's Book of Life."

    So, let us become master diciplers. Take every opportunity to share the truths from the Bible and call into question things believed that don't match up. And rejoice that you have somewhat of a common ground- that there is a basic understanding of Jesus- I have faith that the more they learn of Him, their hearts and faces will turn towards the light of truth.

    You're day has dawned, Harers. What an honor you have to serve. Praying for you.


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