Changing Circumstances
When it
comes to entering into the communion closeness afforded to us through Immanuel,
I seem to realize it in fits and starts.
While I may be on the road to practicing the accompanying presence of God,
there are still those angry responses.
One day I may be filled with peaceful aliveness, and the next day I may
struggle with being hurtfully damaged. Sometimes it is wholeness and grace; at other
times it is uncertainty and insecurity.
God is faithful to continuously nourish and nurture growth. One of the ways He seems to do this in my
life is through changing circumstances.
Our move to Mexico has been one of
the greatest circumstance changers for our family. It wrenched us out of a self-imposed comfort
zone and turned our world upside down. The
simplest of tasks became a chore – transportation, communication and even
health. “Don’t eat there; don’t eat that;
soak all your fruits and veggies in microdine; never drink the water, use
Traida for vomiting and diarrhea,” were everyday comments and
After we had been there for a few
months, Daniel started complaining of a reoccurring stomach ache. Sadly enough, I thought he was just making
excuses and showed little sympathy.
Finally, in order to make my point we took him to the doctor. Turns out he had e. coli, e. histolytica, and giardia. The
doctor prescribed medication, and we went home to research it in a book
entitled Where There Is No Doctor. It read, “Medicine may cause blindness and
even death.” Panic ensued.
This incident captures the emotion and uncertainty that changing
circumstances can create. What I have
discovered is that God uses them to show us both our weaknesses and give us the
gift of desperation for Him. The good
and the difficult, the seen and the unforeseen, the big and not so big dislodge
us from our confident complacency. We
come to a place of need.
Adjusting to another country is just one good example, but our lives
are filled with other countless possibilities: children move away, a vocation
is changed, health suffers, babies are born, new neighbors move in, loved ones
grow older, a letter comes in the mail, finances are short, new opportunities
come, others misunderstand, mid-life arrives, children marry. On and on it goes. At each corner God is waiting with the fellowship
promise of, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”
At Thursday, January 23, 2014 9:57:00 PM,
Mr.KG said…
so very well spoken, I would be speechless even without chocking on the tears. thank you for sharing and not only attempting but creating understanding. well done.
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