Just One More Thing
When we left for Portland there were two things I really wanted to do. The first was to see the boyhood home of Jim Elliot; the second was to see the Pacific Ocean. The Lord was gracious; He gave us both.
Dr. Mary was the one who made the Elliot visit possible. We had tried at least three times to locate his home but came up empty handed each time. One day at lunch someone mentioned to Mary of our interest. She not only told us where it was located, but immediately drove Diana and I over to see it. A few days later we packed up the kids in the old beat up van of WorldView for a family trip. Once there we took some pictures and prayed together in a corner of the yard. We weren’t on a pilgrimage nor did we find special spiritual favor by being there. It was just an opportunity for our family to be connected to missionary history and a godly man in a very tangible way.
He is so good to us, withholding what we deserve, giving what we don’t deserve and often showering us with what we simply want.
At Monday, August 06, 2007 9:45:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
We enjoy following your adventures with Him through pictures and narrative. It helps us pray for you. May our Lord give you increasing joy as you labour for Him. You give evidence of both tasting and seeing that the Lord is Good!
Don, Mountaineer
At Monday, August 06, 2007 5:21:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
What beautiful shots of the Pacific! Excited that you got to see Elliot's home...what a legacy.
You're all always in my prayers...thanks for your ministry! Much love to you!
At Wednesday, August 08, 2007 12:38:00 AM,
Sarita in Mexico 2009 said…
I love reading your insights and seeing how your family continues to seek God together--in Oregon and now again in Mexico...Seems like you met some really great people in Oregon whose example of faith, combined with adventure, has encouraged me too!
sarah in chicago
At Wednesday, August 08, 2007 8:10:00 AM,
gina said…
Thanks for the beautiful photos. We will be praying for you as you transition once again.
At Thursday, August 09, 2007 12:19:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
Enjoy reading your journal from time to time. May God continue to Bless you. Your journal is a Blessing to me and an inspiration. I so wanted to come to Puebla this year but I guess it will take a back burner since we are moving ourselves. The truck is now loaded -praise God! We got it ALL in the truck - thought we would have to rent a trailer as well. Onward to us all with God's guidance.
LOVE to you.... Linda
At Wednesday, August 15, 2007 1:47:00 PM,
4Given4Ever said…
Ok So you saw the Pacific Ocean but the question is did you going swimming? I often wonder if the story of Jim Elliot would be as popular if they had lived. I wonder because there are many missionaries throughout this world doing great things in the name of the Lord who very few know. Either way God knows and rewards faithfulness in different ways.
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