So…to start off with where are you moving? We will be moving to the city of Puebla in the state of Puebla which by the way is one of the 4th poorest states in Mexico.
When is this big move happening? The plan – which is always subject to change - is to sign the contract for our house on Saturday, September 1st and move Tuesday, the 4th.
What is your house like? All 13,000 houses in this new community are built on the same plan – 10X32 ft for each floor. It’s like living in a trailer cut in thirds and stacked on top of each other. The bedrooms are 10X9 and the Living Room/Dining Room is 10X16. It’s small but we are looking forward to having a place that we can paint and decorate. We are sure appreciative for our days of trailer living in Shady Spring.
What is everyone excited about? The girls having their own bedrooms; lots of places to play soccer; being close to teammates; the Italian Coffee Company that is going up in the neighborhood; better opportunities to know our neighbors; seeing the hand of God in new ways; not having scorpions.
By the way, what was the final scorpion count? At the moment we are up to 130 and still have a week to go. This is really quite amazing since there are people who have lived here their entire lives and have only found ten or less. I’m not sure why we rate such a hospitable welcome. PTL – no stings!
What will be the hardest? Leaving Mexican and missionary friends who have given us incredible love and support; starting over…again.
What will you do in Puebla? Initially we will continue to work on language and culture in the context of our neighborhood. Eventually we will begin to facilitate study of the Bible. We hope to bring a focus of family, hospitality and prayer in all we do.
Could you tell us about your CrossWorld teammates? Sure -
Neil & Cheryl are team leaders;
Debbie ministers out of a bookstore;
Valerie came via Congo, Dominica & Puerto Rico;
Derek & Candice (four children) arrive this week and served in Indonesia;
Keith & Dawn (a teenage son) also arrive this week and are leaving two adult girls behind;
Danilo & Ingrid (a newborn) are a German couple who will join the team in October;
Wes & Martha are on support development (aka deputation).
What verses are on your heart as you go? The ones that were a focus when we came continue to be a guiding light, “For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. I came to you in weakness and fear, and with much trembling. My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, so that your faith might not rest on men’s wisdom, but on God’s power.”1 Corinthians 2:2-5
Do you have any final thoughts? Yes, if you have other questions please send them our way. Who knows you might find your question on a future journal.
Chelsea contemplates the future