Is Someone Out There?
If at all possible Saturday is a lazy day for us. We try to catch up on the sleep we lost the previous week and generally have a late breakfast. It is often complete with muffins, tea, and classical music. (Sounds a bit more English than Mexican don’t you think?) Afterwards we read a chapter in a biography; currently it’s the story of John Williams. Williams was one of the first missionaries to the South Pacific Islands including: Rarotonga, Raiatea, Tahiti and Fiji.
On an exploration Williams came upon a remote island. As far as he knew, no missionary of any race had ever visited it. “As they neared the shore of the island, several canoes approached the ship. One of the paddlers stood up and shouted, ‘We are sons of the Word. We are waiting for a ship of God to bring us some workers of religion. Are you such a ship?” As it turned out Christian natives from another island had become lost at sea and had drifted to this remote island where they shared the Gospel. Now the islanders were waiting in anticipation for someone to come who could share more of God’s Word.
These kinds of stories set me to thinking. Do you think it could be possible that there are actually people today who are waiting in anticipation for someone to bring them God’s Word? Is it possible that today in Mexico there is an individual, a neighborhood, a village, or a town who is asking God to send someone? Why don’t we ask Him to prepare His vessel? Maybe His choice for this task is not ME but another Mexican, or a missionary from a different organization, or someone who is yet to trust Christ or YOU!
On a different note, you may be interested to know that while many of you are enduring a heat wave, it’s spring-like weather here. As a matter of fact we wore sweaters to school today and still found ourselves cold. That seems ironic to me since we are so much further south. Cuernavaca is known as the city of eternal spring and with good reason. I’m sure the altitude of around 6500 feet is a huge factor.
At Tuesday, July 25, 2006 6:12:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
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At Wednesday, July 26, 2006 9:13:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
As I read through your journal post, I'm thinking how we are preparing to begin another year of Truth Seekers here at DBC, there you are sharing about a missionary that is on the list I printed out.
Amazing how God uses each of us in so many different ways and provides blessings, and we sometimes don't even notice them til the task or blessing is long over.
Continuing to keep you all in prayer...
Love in Christ, Cheryl
At Wednesday, August 02, 2006 5:33:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey Harers- so jealous of hearing about your weather. We're at an all-time high here in the not-so-windy city.
I miss you guys and gals- and pray for you often. AMIGOS PARA SIEMPRE!!
Stay strong in the Lord- I was just encouraged by Lamentations 3:22-23. Love ya!
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