The 500th Post
Josiah and
I sat at a small table in a cove just to the left of the Greenbrier Café. It was much too cold on this early spring day
to be outside, but we could still peer out into the courtyard in anticipation
of what was to come. I was sipping on a
cup of buttercream flavored coffee as our conversation turned from our daily
lives to missions. At the time our
family was preparing for a move to Mexico, and Josiah was gently insisting that
I launch a website that featured a regular blog post. He dubbed it “Ken’s Live Journal”, and now
ten years later to my surprise, I’m posting its 500th entry.
The first
post was a dedication to the supremacy and sufficiency of Jesus Christ. I have tried to maintain that focus through
the years while being as real as possible about my own spiritual journey. Hopefully it has shown through that Christ is
the centrality of life to which all else is peripheral. Sometimes it has been straight forward and at
other times nuanced; sometimes intentional and other times unwittingly;
sometimes seriously and other times light-heartedly.
The idea
is summed up in the Christ Coming into View from 2012: “Christ is our life
in the best of times and in the worst of times.
In the best of times we tend to think of it in terms of joy, vibrancy,
fullness and aliveness. In the worst of
times these are not diminished, but undergo a metamorphosis into hope, rest,
peace and assurance. It is two sides of
the same coin, both are abundant.”
As I read
back through these posts I find myself often thinking, “I can’t believe I wrote
that” – either by embarrassment or by intrigue.
It’s interesting to see how what I was so passionate about just a few
years before has changed or how growth has given a distinctively different
perspective. I guess that’s one good
reason for writing if nothing else. It
lets us see where we’ve been and how far we have come. It is definitely a huge flashing neon billboard
of God’s grace in our lives.
Thanks to
all of you who have endured and even found it in your good natured soul to
encourage. It means the world to me, not
so much that you have read but that our relationship has grown. You are friends of the first rate kind.
At Thursday, June 12, 2014 9:36:00 PM,
Keith Goodling said…
Brother, I can't begin to describe the richness you have added to my life and how much of a Godsend you and your family were those years south of the boarder. Keep writing my friend if for no other reason than the reminder it is to me of how much God loves through you!
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