He Is Risen Indeed
I’m not exactly sure why but this year my thoughts have turned to the resurrection in a more meaningful way than ever. Grace again. Funny how a “doctrine” you have known for years takes on fresh significance all of a sudden. It’s been an appreciation, interaction and worship more than anything else. I have been struck with the thought, “Never did the returning sun usher in a day so glorious! It was the jubilee of the universe!”
Over the years we have sought to bring focus to our resurrection celebration. Ideas have been hard to come by. Thankfully some creative people have recently been leading the way through their writing. (Now if we can just get some of that creativity flowing for the celebration that comes in 50 days.) So, we are gradually establishing some family traditions for the Easter season.
A tradition that we began fifteen years ago and continued this year was the Passover Seder. With friends sitting at our table we spent the evening reminding ourselves of the children of Israel being set free from their Egyptian bondage and the fulfillment of the Messiah as the ultimate Passover Lamb. I have come to enjoy so many aspects of “the telling” – the candle lit by the hand of a young woman, the child going to the door to welcome Elijah, the taste of horseradish mixed with kharoset and the singing. Of course my wife’s delicious meal of matzah ball soup and roast doesn’t dampen my enthusiasm any.
We flew an Easter flag for the first time this year. I’m looking forward to carrying it through the streets or waving it during morning worship someday. And we made a resurrection garden for the umpteenth time. And we plan on an afternoon luncheon which will be a small occasion compared to some past endeavors.
So for you this year, whether you make resurrection cookies or attend a sunrise service, whether you buy new clothes or give cinnamon rolls to neighbors, may you celebrate the life of the One whose resurrection assures your standing with God. May you in faith embrace His completed work and obtain in time your own glorified body. May you meet with the believers and call out the traditional resurrection greeting, “He is risen!” “He is risen indeed!”