Prayerwalking Rekindled
I long for the days of walks at Little Beaver State Park. Those times were filled with solitude and intimate conversations with God. These days it’s really hard to find that same refuge in the midst of three million and a concrete jungle. Being at the beach recently rekindled my desire to walk, pray and connect with God in nature’s peaceful setting.
I think it’s interesting that some others who have faithfully gone before us have found the same.
D.E. Hoste – “He usually prayed aloud, but in a very low tone, and would pace up and down the room while he was in prayer…somehow he seemed to have more freedom in prayer while walking; that prayer seemed more free and unrestrained.”
J.O. Fraser – “A habit he formed early was to walk up and down, praying aloud, talking as a man talks to his friend.”
George Muller – “Muller also took to walking and praying – with his New Testament in his hand – when conditions were suitable.”
Francis Shaeffer – “I walked in the mountains when it was clear and when it was rainy. I walked backward and forward in the hayloft of the old chalet in which we lived. I walked, prayed and thought through what the Scriptures taught…”
So, where is your favorite spot to get away – the Appalachian Trial, Sea of Galilee’s shore, a local park or out your front door and down the road? Any quiet place will do to walk, pray and connect with the Creator of it all.