“Verse Of The Day”
I met Lola near the entrance of the Basilica in Mexico City. She was handing out invitations to visit Carolina’s Tarot Shop. It seemed like a good opportunity so I handed her the “Verse of the Day”. She started the conversation: “Are you a Christian?” “Yes, I am a Christian.” “What is the name of your church?” “The Church of the Bible…Are you Carolina?” No, my name is Lola.” “Do
you have eternal life Lola?” “Yes.” “Are you sure?” “Yes…Is your telephone number on the back of this verse?” “No, I live in Puebla.” “Pray for me at your church.” “Ok.” A predestinated encounter, a Bible verse, an open heart, an eternal soul fades into the distance.
We were returning late to the hotel after visiting the zócolo, seeing the Templo Mayor, and having dinner in the House of Tiles. Drawing near to our hotel one of the three men offered an advertisement. A quick glance at the card told me it was an “adult show.” There was a moment’s hesitation, a moment’s fear, a moment’s wondering about the reaction and then the response. “No, thank you…BUT I have the ‘Verse of the Day’ for you.” His “thank you” wasn’t the biggest surprise. That came from the man standing beside of him. “Do you have one for me too?”
These examples are not the norm. The norm is summed up by a recent trip to the market to buy fruits and vegetables from Anna. Last Saturday I handed her a verse (as I try to do every week) she took it and said, “Thank You.” Than took a moment to read it. That’s the norm – words of appreciation with an occasional conversation.
I have been questioning myself about “The Verse of the Day” lately. Are these verses profitable or actually harmful? What if they are read and understood through the lenses of Catholic teachings? What if someone comes to wrong conclusions or uses them to reinforce inaccurate beliefs? Should I refrain from giving them? My conclusion in the matter is that while the verses might very well be misunderstood, Scripture is living and active. God can make His Word just as clear and useful as He wants to make it. Therefore, I will continue to sow seeds and leave the germinating up to Him.
We were returning late to the hotel after visiting the zócolo, seeing the Templo Mayor, and having dinner in the House of Tiles. Drawing near to our hotel one of the three men offered an advertisement. A quick glance at the card told me it was an “adult show.” There was a moment’s hesitation, a moment’s fear, a moment’s wondering about the reaction and then the response. “No, thank you…BUT I have the ‘Verse of the Day’ for you.” His “thank you” wasn’t the biggest surprise. That came from the man standing beside of him. “Do you have one for me too?”
These examples are not the norm. The norm is summed up by a recent trip to the market to buy fruits and vegetables from Anna. Last Saturday I handed her a verse (as I try to do every week) she took it and said, “Thank You.” Than took a moment to read it. That’s the norm – words of appreciation with an occasional conversation.
I have been questioning myself about “The Verse of the Day” lately. Are these verses profitable or actually harmful? What if they are read and understood through the lenses of Catholic teachings? What if someone comes to wrong conclusions or uses them to reinforce inaccurate beliefs? Should I refrain from giving them? My conclusion in the matter is that while the verses might very well be misunderstood, Scripture is living and active. God can make His Word just as clear and useful as He wants to make it. Therefore, I will continue to sow seeds and leave the germinating up to Him.
At Tuesday, April 08, 2008 3:06:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
is it common to see little horses with a red sombreros in Mexico?
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