Womanhood Tea Party
After this delightful tea the women in attendance shared a meaningful verse around the womanhood theme. Maria also heard from different women who have been instrumental in her life and who shared encouragement for her to fulfill God’s design. There were also letters written from family and friends. Here is a sample of the kinds of things that were said:
* “I just want to encourage you that, no matter what your feelings are throughout this season of your life, the more you trust God and allow yourself to fully experience where He has put you, the more your life will blossom!”
* “Fill your mind and heart with the truth of God’s Word. Surround yourself with peers and mentors who remind you of your identity in Christ.”
* “It's really easy for us to get our value wrapped up in how valuable we feel we are, how nice we look, or how important others think we are…keep focusing on who God wants you to be.”
* “A woman of sweet and pleasant speech makes a long lasting impression”.
* “The world will try to pull you in so many directions at this critical time in your life, and you'll be tempted to allow it to shape the way you view yourself, your family, your church, and your own convictions.”
Afterwards everyone enjoyed yellow marble cake with chocolate icing and another round of tea. It was indeed a wonderful celebration of womanhood. Thanks to all you who came and all who participated in our lives long range. We certainly need support, encouragement and words of wisdom in this journey.