The Resurrection Is Not Good Advice
Around the world tomorrow we will celebrate the summit of the church calendar – resurrection. Some will get up before sunrise to celebrate in picturesque settings. A handful will travel to Jerusalem. Some will put on new clothes as a symbol of new life in Christ. Many will join with their family for a meal or their church family for a communion supper. All will worship the Savior of the resurrection.
Here is something to keep in mind tomorrow. The resurrection is not good advice. It is good news. Advice is counsel given of something that hasn’t happened yet and what you can do about it. Good news is a report of something that has already happened. It is something you can’t do anything about; all you can do is respond to it.
The religions and the various spiritualities of the world offer advice. They say if you want your salvation here are the rites, rituals, laws and regulations you must do to gain it.
The resurrection is good news. It has already happened. As Christians we herald the good news of the cross and the resurrection. All of our sins were placed on Christ at the cross. We have been granted forgiveness through faith. The slate has been wiped clean. But there is more. The fullness of His life has been placed on us. We have been made a new creation. We live resurrection life.
So tomorrow, this coming week and this coming year we live out of that good news. We live joyfully and at peace with what has been achieved on our behalf. “We offer praise to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who in his great mercy has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection.”
(Idea for this post were from Tim
Keller and Dr. Martin-Lloyd Jones)
Art by Sandra King of Clay County, WV
Top: Sunrise service in Mexico - Popo in background
Middle Left: Worship at the Grand Canyon