Preparation for the Journey
Our faith journey took on new proportions when I resigned from a fifteen year ministry position with no clarity about the future. Diana and I sensed God leading us to trust Him not only for missions support but for daily living expenses as well. While we would share God’s direction of our lives, we would not ask for finances. Instead, we would pray and trust God for the outcome. It wasn’t an impulsive decision, but one we had thought about for months. It wasn’t without real life examples but one my grandparents had modeled. Nor was it an expectation for others but was our personal leading.
Before we settled on Mexico we considered a mission that provides pastors for small community churches throughout the US and Canada. Diana and I went to Kansas City for a week of candidate orientation while the kids stayed in West Virginia to have a hey day with Mamaw Harer. Our days were squeezed full of activities from morning to night, but we did manage to connect in friendship with a couple from Washington and another from Alaska. On Friday evening we were asked the all important question, “Has God called you to work with us?” Our answer was “No.” We drove back across country at loose ends.
A few weeks later on a warm spring day just before my job at the church ended, our friends from Alaska called. We had kept in touch, and it was good to hear his voice. “We sold our house in Alaska, and got more for it than we expected. Our family would like to give you $1000 for whatever needs you might have.” Dumbfounded I somehow managed to get out a “thank you.” God was assuring our hearts that He is absolutely trustworthy and was preparing us for the journey that lay ahead.